Even poor Treacle's goodbye post featured mention of Piggy and picture of Piggy... Is pet favouritism starting to show [more than usual]?Here's a recap of what I can remember.....
Despite being very rich indeed Fleur is still selling her unwanted crap online
She gifted her daughter a pair of Disney pj's as a surprise for the trip to Disneyland she was treating her to but Riv Rive just thought they were boring Pj's and dropped them on the floor (is spoiltness starting to show?).
Fleur still has no dress sense
Her dog Treacle sadly passed away from cancer.
It’s PigletThat is one stupid name for a dog- piggy????
Out of Woof, Treacle, Squidge, Piglet, Growler and Beaver, I think Treacle is the best of the lot!i don't know, i think Treacle is worse than PIglet in terms of dog names!
I always wondered who named them.The cats are Beaver and Growler
No they aren't. Are they ?The cats are Beaver and Growler