Flavia Stuttgen

I like her fun, carefree attitude, but the amount of money she spends astounds me! I know she sold her old company and is well off, but seriously?! I can’t understand the amount of wealth some of these instagram folk have. I earn a decent salary and like shopping as much as the next person but I can’t fathom this lot out!
Ahhh was hoping they’d be more on this thread. Just seen her latest story saying dubai is now cancelled and they’re extending Verbier trip. I wonder why?
Dubai is cancelled? Wonder why. Can they maybe not fly back into UK from dubai without quarantine or something?

I love her pink ski suit in her photo today, it does look amazing.
I saw someone giving a mouthful during the week about how these influencers should read the room before boasting about what they are doing and how she hasn't mentioned covid or restrictions. Flavia replied that she isn't a news or a health channel lol.

I cannot imagine living her life, the spending is unreal. To be that wealthy that you barely notice spending £800 on a ski suit or thousands on a handbag.
It is utterly fascinating
She's not a news or health channel but she's completely tone deaf to the current situation. I wonder who follows her and likes her posts in the current climate. It's just insane
They are all tone deaf to the situation. They either caveat with text that they need to be upbeat for their followers or they will say how awful it all is and then carry on as normal.
Dubai is cancelled? Wonder why. Can they maybe not fly back into UK from dubai without quarantine or something?

I love her pink ski suit in her photo today, it does look amazing.
I saw someone giving a mouthful during the week about how these influencers should read the room before boasting about what they are doing and how she hasn't mentioned covid or restrictions. Flavia replied that she isn't a news or a health channel lol.

I cannot imagine living her life, the spending is unreal. To be that wealthy that you barely notice spending £800 on a ski suit or thousands on a handbag.
It is utterly fascinating

I’m glad you posted this - this echoes exactly my thoughts! I started following Flavia after I saw her on Laura, The Fashion Bug Blog’s posts. They are both extremely wealthy and have a seemingly unbelievable amount of disposable income. The endless trips to Chanel, and the investment pieces - of which there are many! I cannot fathom how they spend as they do - each to their own and all that, but sometimes it just seems incredible. I know Flavia had a business which she sold and is self made and of course it is up to her what she does with her money, but in these dark Covid days I’m not sure if the constant flaunting is offering relief or causing resentment when normal people are scraping together what they have just to get by. And should this lot really be traveling?? Flavia is in Verbier, her mates FBB and Olivia Rubin are in Dubai and all of them are inhabitants of Tier 4!

Also did you see the blue furry Chanel she was contemplating buying in a recent post 🥴
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I like Flavia but I’m bothered that she’s gone on holiday when COVID is blowing up in her area. Flights between Switzerland and the UK have been suspended both ways and there’s now a 10-day retroactive quarantine for travellers from the UK so her holiday’s pretty much ruined! She’s not posted on insta stories for a few days.

As much as I follow her for fashion, her level of consumption is insane. She currently has around 1,000 items on the ebloggers selling site! And how many puffer/padded coats has she bought this winter?! The Fashion Bug Blog/Laura is even worse. In the summer she was selling dresses worth hundreds and hundreds of pounds (over £1000 in some cases) that she’d only bought in the past few months. You could scroll through the last 6 months of her Instagram and see her wearing the dresses she was selling so it seems like she’d only bought them to take pictures in.
There are few Instagrammers abroad atm who have been rather quiet on their stories. Flavia, Laura, Rochelle Humes to name a few. Though FBB has posted on her grid she’s having a few days off, not clear if they’re back from Dubai yet.

They seem to treat high end fashion as fast fashion. I do wonder if they are in non disclosed partnerships with some of the big designer houses such is the amount spent with them!
I only started following Flavia this year - can’t remember how I found her. I liked how she wasn’t trying to play down her obvious wealth like some other Instagrammers do - it’s less fake somehow. Anyway she did influence me to buy a few lower value things lol, the sloggi bralettes and the Spanx leggings for instance, which I am really pleased I found. For the most part she came across as genuine and I assumed she’d bought a lot of the stuff herself. Then I sort of came to my senses when she got gifted a whole set of suitcases for her winter holidays, and realised that she probably just doesn’t disclose most of it like all other influencers. My feelings toward her soured and so I unfollowed.

I’m interested why a previous poster says she’s self made? I’m pretty sure she comes from a wealthy French family. She did have the online clothes shop Spotted On Celeb but that would hardly have been set up from nothing. It didn’t get sold either, she said recently she stopped doing it as she wanted to spend more time with kids etc. She is still listed as the sole director of her company on companies house and the website no longer exists. Perhaps she sold the trade and assets to someone else but there’s no way that would pay for her lifestyle. Her husband is a city trader so my guess is a combination of that and family money.
She did sell her company spotted on celeb a while back, the new owner kept the company as the same name for a while but it was re-branded recently to Maia and Cecile. I follow the original SOC instagram account and the name was changed and a new website created but the clothing brands are largely the same.