I’m often in two minds about if Glen would make a come back...HOH account is clearly hers right? Plus Sly keeps bread crumbing her into his insta. We’ve all seen the comments whenever she is featured (or not even) about ‘we love her...where is she?’
- granted some might be bots but others aren’t. Though despite loving her so much they seem confused about her disappearance from Instagram still?! Glen and Sly are such grabby bastards I wouldn’t put it past them in the slightest to deludedly think they’ve still got a chance at riding the gravy train. Just look at how they’ve treated their daughter’s diabetes diagnosis
Playing devils advocate here, would the press be that interested in her now? Susie Verril made it back to Instagram/ad life after a bit of down time following her frankly disgusting racist/ableist/homophobic/bigoted tweets and she’s the wife of a semi famous former Olympian - granted it didn’t get much traction in the wider press unlike Glen. But would the wider press care about Glen now - as in have they just jumped to the next thing and she’s yesterday’s news so to speak? Though with the upcoming Dispatches programme investigating higher death rates of black women in child birth maybe (we hope) they would care?
There would be enough voices on social media that any comeback would be flooded with so many ‘negative’ (in their eyes) but truthful comments to make it not worthwhile surely? Plus, I agree what ‘big’ brands are honestly going to throw them a bone? It’s not like she can come back with anything midwifery related following her racist comments so what guise would she come back as? The Insta ‘yummy/slummy’ mum brigade have moved on. But I still think they’re deluded enough to try it - we’ve literally seen how low they will go in the last week. It’s shocking how desperate they are.
Like literally go and cash that £4K sink in for the therapy your children are going to need.