I’m dying to send her this........
Hi Ellie
Anon please. I have had the vaccine - my adult children forced me into it. I’ve been watching all your work and I told them I was listening to you and wouldn’t get it done. They threatened me they would smash my face in with an iron. I’ve no doubt they would have. The eldest is just like his dad, Aron. A right wrong un.
After the second jab, I started vomiting bright green vomit. I couldn’t keep any food or liquid down and eventually I ended up just eating Paxo stuffing, it was the only thing I could stomach. And bleeding? Oh my god, my gums have bled, my ears, nose, I’ve bled from places I didn’t imagine I ever would.
My arm is still very sore and at the jab site, there seems to be a red circle of dots covering the area. I’ve read about the chips in the vaccine so I’m wondering if this is why my arm is still so painful. I guess it could be the chip, trying to work it’s way out.
I’m devastated that I’ve sold out in this way. I’ve written to Matt Hancock and told him of my plight - he just told me to duck off.
Do you think coming on the next March would help? I’ve got a half decent singing voice, I could help out with the harmonies of that ‘no mother no cry’ song.