As an ex weed smoker it isn’t a flex. I had to have drug counselling because I got so badly addicted to smoking it. It was a shameful secret for a long time. I got into tonnes of debt and it had a really bad affect on my mental health as well as physical health. I think it’s so normalised as being a cure all drug now but for someone who claims to have anxiety and adhd… there are studies backed up to suggest people with adhd should not be reccomended to smoke cannabis, and can worsen the disorder. If she tries to say she’s smoking for adhd then she’s an idiot, especially as she suffers with inattentive ness already. That won’t do you any good for getting up and going anywhere
I will also say I have no issue with smoking weed but promoting it to your mainly young following isn’t a flex. Also she’s bringing out the wedding content purely because mikayla is and also she lost so many followers from her last
duck up she’s trying to limit damage
She’s done and she knows it.