Drama queens - One Tree Hill podcast



VIP Member
Anyone out there a big one tree hill fan?
I was obsessed, it pretty much got me through Uni.

A podcast called drama queens has been released with Hilarie Burton-Morgan, bethany joy lenz and Sophia Bush. Made me so nostalgic and want to rematch the whole thing again.

It's nice that they are all still so close. And to hear them talk about being cast and shooting in the early seasons.

They will be having guest stars who were on the show as well.

Wondering if they will mention anything about the sexual abuse allegations? And Sophias marriage to Chad. Or just keep the whole podcast positive.

They are rewatching the pilot episode together and that's what the next podcast episode will be to discuss.
Just listened to episode 1 and loved it, going to rewatch the pilot then listen to episode 2! The theme song is AMAZING too !! Haley is my fav from the show!! Horrible to hear about the abuse allegations, but really hope they could do some sort of reboot
Thanks Polkadot :)

I'm interested in hearing about the issues they had on set. Sophia in particular. Brooke was always written in the early years anyway in some very sleazy and exploitative scenes.
Has anyone else still been listening to this? I am one behind, found it interesting that Jeffrey Dean Morgan auditioned for the role of Keith Scott I never knew that
I'm presuming we all know that Sophia got married recently, I'm a little surprised that Hilarie and Joy haven't posted anything about it either on their grid or stories on instagram as they usually post for birthdays and other random things so I'm surprised they haven't for her wedding, they also haven't commented or liked any of her pictures about the wedding on her instagram? Anyone got any ideas why this would be? I read that they did go to the wedding