Donna Dyble



VIP Member
Why do these women think it's interesting to post pictures of themselves getting their hair done ?
Cue videos of them gurning and sticking their tounge out😝
She goes silent for ages then the gurning videos start
Grow up woman puts me off my lunch.
<<moved to existing thread >>

Her latest update has irritated me. If I've picked her up right, she is going to start selling charity shop purchases on ebay, à la Gammons, Katy etc. (Just to note, she is going to sell her own stuff too and, obviously, no issue there!)
I just feel theres something wrong with this whole concept. Yeah, the charity still gets the money (depending on the charity 😉), but a lot of people shop there due to affordability and a lot of people donate, purely to help others. It irks me that they are buying items, to deliberately sell on for profit.
I thought Donna would feel the same. She has done a video before talking about how annoyed she was to find a charity shop selling primark stuff for almost full price and has excitedly talked about wonderful "finds" she has come across in various charity shops. I don't know why but, I just thought it would be something Donna would be against.
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she given up trying to lose weight then? mind you, she was no good at that at all....lacked the willpower and was greedy
Always someone else's fault though. Like the hubby not taking his snacks to work, so she ate them 🙄
(This genuinely was a reason btw)
She is really winding me up with this Cambridge nonsense. Shes put up a photo of one of her members, a "before & after" and the after picture is filtered beyond belief. Its such a blur you can barely make out where her face ends and the background begins.its also a selfie, taken at a flattering angle, compared to the candid before shot. Same with Donna's own "before" picture, where shes squishing her face back to make it look like she had 8 chins.