Honestly I’ve always just lurked on her GG thread and never said anything but her reaction to the BLM movement disgusted me, I had to say something. I was this close to commenting on her little video she made but I knew I’d be blocked or get a load of abuse from her minions. I know she lurks these so I hope she reads this.
I can’t believe that she’s made that video - acting like it’s this amazing selfless thing she’s doing when she’s plugging this movement for her own gain and to get views for ££££ - literally making MONEY off the movement by producing that video - she is profiting from black people’s struggles, a white privileged girl and commending herself for being ‘so proactive’. No dani, if you truly cared you would donate all profits from that video to charities, but instead your using it to fund your lip fillers. I wish white influencers could realise NOONE CARES what a white privileged woman has to say about it and this is the time to be quiet and amplify black voices, not making it about you. But of course she makes it about herself. Also cringing at the picture from the protest, probably the only reason why she went was to get a good insta picture. More profit for her. Honestly it made me so angry I needed to vent.
Also her mental health stuff has always annoyed me especially because I work in mental health and studied it for 6 + years and it’s mostly nonsense. She has no idea what she’s talking about and how privileged she is. She spouts such crap and she thinks she’s an ‘empath’ god what planet are you ON? Has she ever volunteered to help people in mental health crisis? Has she studied to validate all the crap she says? Has she even ever donated to a mental health charity? Doubt it.
Everything she does is to gain something, she’s completely selfish and acts like she’s the most selfless mother Theresa in the world. We can see right through you.