Requested thread for Daily Diva Diary who “forgets” to use the #spon #ad in her try ons
She is very eloquent and writes big long descriptions on her Facebook posts but can’t spell sponsored in full or else amongst the hashtags might be a #sp or #ad but not very obvious. She did come on stories recently saying she always is clear about when something is an ad but I beg to disagree.
That is the reason I unfollowed her. I hate the falseness of it.
At some point I realised that they are all just in it for the cash and nothing else.
I’d say she is sickened by LLL as she was the one who put up the original LLL pic at the Galway races all those years ago that caused LLL to start her page and then she waaaay over shot DDD. I met her once in Cork, seemed full of herself and def keeping an eye on who was looking at her so I unfollowed.This one has turned into LLL, it's constant AD, AD, AD and most of it is rotten.