How are you all doing? I hope everyone’s doing well. It’s been a while since I came to the thread.
My eldest tested positive for covid last Wednesday, symptoms started last Tuesday but tested negative that night. He was around us all Tuesday night and Wednesday right before he tested. Once he tested positive he stayed in his room working from home for the week, he didn’t want to run the risk of passing it onto his Dad with asthma and me with CFS, he was really mature and calm about it.
He went back to work yesterday as he tested in the morning and it was negative. His test last night had a faint line and again this morning too. Work are fine that he’s come back in again today as they say they’ll take that as still negative.i think j he likely had a faint line in the morning but didn’t notice it rushing to get ready. Will he still be contagious with a faint line? He’s not had any major symptoms just a runny nose for 2 days, he had his booster February I think. He assumed it was just hayfever as he’s not felt unwell at all. He’s now day 8 or 9, I never know which day you count as day 1. Hopefully that means we’ve all escaped it.
My daughters chronic fatigue finally stopped after 6 months, doctor ran tests and they said she had long covid, she’s now stopped her 3 hour naps and doing great. Still no sense of smell after 9 months so she’s been referred to ENT but I’m not sure how that’ll help.