Ciara fit & fab

I do watch her videos on insta and think how the f*ck would you post that, like does she do it for the yuck or wtf factor she is so cringe
I do cringe if I post an embarrassing video after a night out on Snapchat to my 16 friends can you imagine waking up to the tit she posts every morning
I wish I'd half her confidence.

I feel bad sometimes saying anything about her as I wonder if she has some learning difficulties, she often sounds like she has the mental age of a teenager?
Il not say how I know her but she def doesn’t have any learning difficulties it’s just her personality 😩🤣🤣🤣
ADHD perhaps?
There is a group of them,male and female friends who all behave like this,I was at her 30th birthday party by default with a friend and she charged people £30 to go in a limo with her, I'm not in that close circle but those who are had a right laugh at being made pay for it.Her party was organised by a total random error who she had never met and only knew through instagram
She’s a stingy hoor I’ve heard multiple stories from mutual friends about how she never puts her hand in her pocket and her fella pays for everything including her other gay bf jason. No wunder she’s never at home