Another thread another drama went like this
So she decided to spend NYE with Evil Queen ..Two classy birds these two went out in hair rollers..the one in shorts/ PJ's that she'd slept in for days
..why change the habit of a lifetime ..anyway back to the celebrations
️..after an early evening cocktail they returned to Chelseas palatial apartment to further celebrate by passing the sights and beautiful fireworks display to ...stare at her phone all night (EQ) and Chelsea waited patiently for Modeen the potato to arrive keen for her new best friend ( for now ) to meet the object of her desires ..who trys his best to dodge her romantic advances (he likes younger women) as Chelsea is way too old to be attractive in his eyes. So eventually Modeen arrives ..the atmosphere could be cut with a knife was clear EQ and him had no love for each other ...and after his Guru Marketing official insulted EQ by calling her Evil King ..she took to her bed . Modeen then went on to have a pretend seizure whilst Chelsea hoovered her skanky flat.
All in all it was like a night in a museum.
Chelsea decided subs was the way forward to make more money and keep 'da trollz' from commenting ..she gets bored of them quickly and takes subs only off ..her subs complain ..she tells them to
duck off !!!she will do what she wants ..and she says you better all sub to ALL my accounts if you're true fans !
She's not too happy with her Mod DurtyBurty who's started doing her own lives
and this week we witnessed the Hinge & Brackett (Awfy grateful Amanda) of tiktok debate Chelsea and how misunderstood she is .
We had the BIG kick off in Pret ! Where she spouted probably her most vitriolic abuse yet and of course was promptly ejected ..complete with her screeching
duck off I'm opening my PO Box gifts . I'm an English girl!! Standard Chelsea of course
But ! Zara had her say and Chelsea did not like it ..nothing special revealed ..just what we all knew.
And now on to her latest venture ...she's off to LA!! She's going to design a car..she's going to be big in America ..
duck Cornwall ..she's destined for bigger things ..a bit like her ample arse . She is shoveling food in like there is no tomorrow..her usual delicate taste ..beans ..pies and sausages . She will love The USA ..they serve huge portions
She's also discovered new filters that make her look like Marilyn Monroe according to her minions.
Oh and she went to visit Hugh who told her to get out as she was filming him without permission..but that won't be her fault .. because nothing ever is,is it ?
I've probably missed some ..please feel free to add