I suspect she has a love/hate relationship with it. She wants the support, she wants the helpful cancer info she can get, she likes how her account drives up her business sales. But, she wants her privacy and she absolutely hates any negative feedback. I don't blame her, the remarks about Taylor were low blows and so much petty criticism. You really have to have thick skin to put yourself out there. Everybody has an opinion.
I know I've read about grief tourists, but I don't usually read the comments, so have been largely oblivious. But my god, seeing the people flock to dr dan says last video in his dying days, I'm seeing it play out in full display.
The algorithm is having a field day, recommending him to everyone, it seems. Almost 1.5 million views on his last video.
His mum has made the mistake of posting regular updates in the comments. This makes people return for more updates, write comments asking for updates. It's brought out the whole contingent of trolls accusing them of dragging it out for views. It's also brought out everyone who thinks the vaccine is responsible, and everyone demanding he repent for his sins.
It is grisly to see it devolve into goulish behaviour, so many not even caring about the dying man and many expecting updates. For ffs, he's dying. All these people will move on swiftly the moment he passes, which only heightens the macabre nature of what is unfolding. His mum seems decent too, she has more patience than I do not to shadow ban so many of these twisted grief tourists.
This is exactly what it is, I understand it so much better watching this spectacle play out in his comment section.