Blossomingbirds #5

Now now ladies, aren't you all too busy being sad to go on Tattle? Have you all written your grovelling letter of apology to Anna? Father Jack stylee "I'm sooo soooo sorry" . I'm sorry for your kids Anna, I'm sorry that your sick toddler was "content", I'm sorry you have manipulated this whole drama to buy followers. I'm sorry you can't accept some people just don't like you and your beige, twee life.
Now now ladies, aren't you all too busy being sad to go on Tattle? Have you all written your grovelling letter of apology to Anna? Father Jack stylee "I'm sooo soooo sorry" . I'm sorry for your kids Anna, I'm sorry that your sick toddler was "content", I'm sorry you have manipulated this whole drama to buy followers. I'm sorry you can't accept some people just don't like you and your beige, twee life.

Don't forget the "you're right I'm so sad about my crappy life that I'm mean to others. I feel so bad that I am such a horrible person"
It’s so tiresome when these influencers trot out the “Tattle trolls are ruining my life” trope. Yes there are some threads on here that fly close to the bone but it’s all indirect gossip and speculation.

Can St Anna of the North Coast put her hand on her heart and say she’s never slagged anyone off behind their backs? Of course not, most people do it, whether it’s written down or not it’s the same thing, don’t be a hypocrite Anna.

Sites like Tattle exist because social media consumers put 2 & 2 together with accounts like Blossoming Birds and become frustrated over time with constant displays of the following toxic behaviour:

- misleading followers with overly perfect and unrealistic/unattainable homes, fashion, beauty

- using children/family/spouses as unpaid props in adverts

- outrageous/borderline illegal and definitely immoral lack of child protection awareness

- not declaring free/gifted/pr/Ad products properly or consistently

- lying to followers or subconsciously prepping followers in the lead up to an ad

- unnecessary and relentless consumerism promoting an unhealthy relationship with shopping/money/fast fashion. Constant need to keep up encourages debt amongst susceptible followers.

Anna can call troll until the Dromona dairy cows come home but from my perspective, her and her type of account are the toxic trolls of the internet causing a ticking time bomb of poor mental health amongst young people who cannot separate Instagram and reality. Anna perpetuates this damaging environment based on looks, money and greed. She should be the one to look in the mirror deep down to her soul and ask herself if she does the right thing every day; is selling your home and family online a good thing? Is it the right thing? Should she be thinking of earning her money in a more respectable and less damaging way and removing her children’s terrible digital footprint before its too late.