
didn’t think Beth had a thread but I’ve just seen her buy herself a new designer bag.
Not sure if I’ve imagined it but I’m pretty sure she was saying the other week how she had to look at her savings more and keep an eye on her finances? Maybe we have different views on doing that but I wouldn’t be dropping that much on a bag if I was worried about my finances...
I can’t believe the amount of money this chick spends! New phone (on a contract maybe but still) Louis Vuitton handbag, a big climbing frame for Maddie and tonnes of other stuff coming from Argos! But the secondhand exercise equipment was the treat 🤣 she is always treating herself and yes I’m jealous!

Sorry I forgot the clothes order and do I vaguely remember a skincare order as well? These things all add up. Wish I was that loaded 🤨
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I find it crazy the amounts she spends. The wine glasses were around £20 EACH I believe and the wine she gets isn’t cheap either.

Myself and my husband both have good jobs with a good wage, we own our house and have savings. I have a number of designer bags from when I was younger but we also have a 2 year old so these days you wouldn’t find me dropping that money on a bag or even a £20 wine glass when I can take my son on holiday or on days out etc.

she buys a lot for Maddie but this year would have been her first holiday. I understand people can’t afford them but she clearly can...
Can’t believe there’s not more people on this thread tbh. MADDIE (SERIOUSLY HOW MANY TIMES DOES SHE SAY THE DAMN KIDS NAME) MADDIE MADDIE MADDIE. Get a life love, seriously!
That coffee machine is at least £250ish...... like what!!! I love coffee, we have a little nespresso machine which we bought for £80ish which included a milk frother... I can't even imagine spending £250 on a coffee machine!!!
I’ve searched for a thread on Beth but it’s never come up in a search.
I do like her, comes across like a good mum. If you dismiss plastering Maddie all over Instagram.
I’ve often wondered how she has so much money! Maybe her ex gives her a wealthy maintenance payment or maybe it’s all on credit? Who knows
Yes all influenzas come across as good mums though don’t they. Not even going to change influenzas 🤣

That’s the whole point. Ohhhhh looook atttt meeee and hooowwww amazzING I AM. LOOK AT HOW MUCH I SPENT ON MY DAUGHTER FOR HER BIRTHDAY 🙄 she’s a showy mole
The few I followed seemed like their kids were a massive inconvenience to them. Yes she does love to flash the cash, latest was a £40 ring that looked like it was out of Claire's accessories!
I’ve been following tonnes of instamum accounts for years now. Mostly Australian ones which are a whole other level of ridiculous. Woke up to it all awhile ago now thank God. They all like to showcase what amazing parents they are.
Oh the guy with them strawberry picking must be the boyfriend. Also, why is she wearing a skin tight short dress to go to a farm? 🤣
That coffee machine is at least £250ish...... like what!!! I love coffee, we have a little nespresso machine which we bought for £80ish which included a milk frother... I can't even imagine spending £250 on a coffee machine!!!
It was the £600 one she wanted though.. but she couldn’t justify THAT 🙄

Yes. The attention seeking pics with the boyfriends face covered 🙄

Re: the dress. She’s an attention seeking mole that’s why 🤣 and she knows she looks good so no doubt wanting lots of lovely compliments about how positively lovely she is ohhh and is that the new man 🙄
Oh yes so anxious.. why you anxious Bitcheth.. yeh because you don’t understand that the only reason any of us were locked down to start with was to protect world wide health systems NOT because you’re going to drop dead from CV.. we’ll all get it eventually.. does she think countries across the globe have destroyed economies because they care about its citizens. NOOOO, they blatantly don’t. They’ve PROVEN IT. Sorry for the ramble but just genuinely don’t get what her anxiety is about. She’s happy to send MADDIEEEEEback to childcare next week after all

S’all for the gram y’all.. Tryna be relatable and what not
Oh yes so anxious.. why you anxious Bitcheth.. yeh because you don’t understand that the only reason any of us were locked down to start with was to protect world wide health systems NOT because you’re going to drop dead from CV.. we’ll all get it eventually.. does she think countries across the globe have destroyed economies because they care about its citizens. NOOOO, they blatantly don’t. They’ve PROVEN IT. Sorry for the ramble but just genuinely don’t get what her anxiety is about. She’s happy to send MADDIEEEEEback to childcare next week after all

S’all for the gram y’all.. Tryna be relatable and what not
Was also very quick to call her mum when Maddie hurt her chin during official lockdown. It’s ok though because her mum has Covid so I’m assuming she thought she was immune now. No one knows...

Sorry I’m on one now but it really annoyed me when she moaned about having to parent 24/7 and that she couldn’t send Maddie to her dads. When actually it was her decision not to, she was allowed to. She made the choice to keep Maddie at home so she knew what she would be dealing with
You’re on one? You’re way more polite than me 🤣 exactly because she was playing the martyr 🙄 and then having him over on the weekends. I wonder if he’s got a new partner. I bet she’s going to LOVE that 🤣

She seems to be enjoying being a cosy little trio with the new man (who Maddieeeeee has obviously met, how long she even known this bloke?) wonder how much she’s going to like Daddy, Daddy’s girlfriend and Maddieeeeee being a little trio 🤔
You’re on one? You’re way more polite than me 🤣 exactly because she was playing the martyr 🙄 and then having him over on the weekends. I wonder if he’s got a new partner. I bet she’s going to LOVE that 🤣

She seems to be enjoying being a cosy little trio with the new man (who Maddieeeeee has obviously met, how long she even known this bloke?) wonder how much she’s going to like Daddy, Daddy’s girlfriend and Maddieeeeee being a little trio 🤔
I think that’s why he left her because he had met someone else so I assume they are already a little trio?
She only said recently she was “dating” someone so if she had been following the rules she wouldn’t have been able to meet up with him but now he’s suddenly met Maddie and they are having cosy days together. Something doesn’t add up.