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Video Breakdown. Better late than never.
For search purposes: Spencer Emmons & Katie Slockbower
Video opening includes on ride footage with cackling. Lower your volume.
Again another pointless video explaining how to ride rides without using genie+ during a time when you wouldn’t need to use it in the first place. This is a rinse and repeat of the previous video at DCA.
-Spencer explaining the goal. He says they are going to ride as many rides as possible without genie+… uh say that again? I feel like this is a lie, we’ll see. He is explaining about how they are going to “try” to rope drop rise and “see if they can make it on” and “if they can do standby”. He’s making sound like this is a big deal and that there is a possibility they won’t be able to get on the ride for some reason. I’ve rope dropped rise probably a dozen times without issue.
-Spencer mentioning the fog. He goes into detail on what landmarks are difficult to see because of the fog
-Spencer meets back up with KT in the rope drop crowd and starts in with the fog again.
-They explains the best route to take to get to ROTR at rope drop. KT says don’t buy genie “save your money for churros”
-Rope drops and Spencer goes into detail on the different walking speeds (this is actually kinda funny I’m sad to admit) He does ruin it with a loudly told joke about the rush being for Mr.Toads… he laughs at his own joke. He begins to loudly call out guests for running…this is like tattling. I believe at this moment he is just jealous because he is not able to run…only waddle. I guess because nobody laughed the first time he again tells a variation of the Mr. Toad joke to a cast member.
-12 minutes of ride footage.
-KT yelling “good morning” to the Mark Twain.
-They skip Winnie the Pooh and Splash Mtn.
-They ride Haunted Mansion.
-Walking to the next attraction. Spencer explaining that Rise of the Resistance is very popular. Thanks for that but of information…sheesh.
-Pirates and Indy are down. Jungle Cruise is 30min and they can be bothered waiting that long. Big Thunder is 25min and they seem to think even that is too long to wait but they wait anyway.
-Super obnoxious on ride footage of Big Thunder.
-Indy working now and they ride it.
-Now at tropical hideaway eating their packed lunch like little kids in elementary school. KT says it takes an entire hour to do mobile order. This is 100% false information. I will also add that if you are bringing your own food into the park, they do NOT want you using their dining tables. There are designated picnic areas located outside of the park.
-They ride the Matterhorn.
-They ride the canal boats.
-They are now just walking around reading wait time signs
-Spencer refers to Sleeping Beauty's Castle as “SBC”
-It is now a little after 12pm. Spencer now says their goal was to do rope drop to about noon and see what they can get done. This is vastly different to what he said at the beginning of the video. “Ride as many rides as possible without using genie+”
-They ended up only riding 6 rides.
-Spencer is now rambling off a list of what they could’ve ridden. Ok Spencer.
Again another pointless video that I’m sure their stans will think is the most epic Disneyland vlog ever.
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