Watching the Body Language Guy’s live stream yesterday, I’m inclined to agree with him. Everything about this screams that Brooklyn has entirely subordinated himself in the relationship, from the age differential to the taking of her name to his lesser (!) wealth status to the photos in which she towers over him and/or stares fixedly into the camera while always he’s in profile kissing her. He is a very young man, pretty much aimless, without focus or accomplishment, probably seeking a strong character in his wife to give him direction. None of this augurs well for the future. She will entirely have the reins in the relationship, and she will get bored.
Her baseline pose in photos, jaw up and looking slightly down her nose, is interesting. I love when Jose says to adopt a pose and see how it makes you feel. When I do that it definitely comes with a feeling of confidence, haughtiness and superiority,
The camera is her first love, most definitely, while he I think is absolutely in thrall to her. There is a video somewhere of them on the red carpet, he kisses her as if she is a sort of amazing god-like creature he can’t stop looking at while as usual she gazes away from him to seek out the cameras. It’s sort of sweet and sad at the same time. Maybe she had a couple of crap relationships and now just enjoys being completely worshipped, but that dynamic is very hard to maintain in a satisfying way in the long run.
Still, they both love Nicola which gives them something in common, at least for now.