I’m so glad someone made a thread about this.
So I watched it last night and I’ve been thinking a lot about it all. I really agree that ‘fatphobia’ is a real thing, however, Victoria made it all very malicious. As a white, slim, able-bodies woman, I realise I am ‘privileged’, however I don’t think that means my views are something that can be written off. I also think comparing bigger bodies to race or sexual oppression is a bit offensive to people who have, and still are, suffering greatly.... I’m a very liberal person, and I would like to think I’m open to all people regardless of their colour, creed, size or sexuality. But Victoria’s vile - and blatant disregard for anyone’s feelings really angered me. Scientific facts back up that those who carry more fat are more likely to develop complications - the same way as smoking does. I also understand that there is a genetic link to obesity. I’d like to add that I have suffered ED myself and that will never leave me. Body acceptance is a wonderful thing, regardless of your age, gender, ability etc. But being told I can’t have an opinion because I’m privileged grates on my right to free speech...
Sorry for the long post