Ballinger family



VIP Member
I think the main family of Chris & Jessica and the kids are sweet. Colleen can sometimes be a little to much and Rachel can be hilarious but other times I wonder why on earth she's filming what she is!

Jessica really grew on me recently though when she did an Instagram post about Parker. People had obviously been messaging asking her if she thought he was gay or transgender and she replied saying he is who he is and she doesn't care about who he chooses to be. She also said about how girls dress up as fireman ect so why can't boys dress as a fairy? The who concept just made me realise that we do tend to judge boys way more than girls in the toys they play with ect.

I think overall this family is lovely with good morals and the kids are all pretty adorable.
My heart went out to Bailey over that white elephant game. :(

Mine too! I was shocked that Rachel stole two things from her! Do we know who ended up with the camera?!
The fact that Bailey then gave her gift to Duncan made me love her even more! It's lovely to see that not all vlogging families end up with spoilt, ungrateful children!