Back to school re Covid



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What is your children's school implementation of safety upon return?

My son's schools have requested they bring a mask, sanitizer gel and anti bac wipes to clean their area. They do 6 classes per day and there is approx 900 students. While I applaud the cleaniness, I'm horrified at the amount of wipes headed to landfill from one school alone.
What is your children's school implementation of safety upon return?

My son's schools have requested they bring a mask, sanitizer gel and anti bac wipes to clean their area. They do 6 classes per day and there is approx 900 students. While I applaud the cleaniness, I'm horrified at the amount of wipes headed to landfill from one school alone.

Is that secondary school?
Staggered start and finish times, using several different entrances, year bubbles and eating in classrooms (so not hot meals) and of course hand washing. My son is at Junior school so no masks or gel etc.

I know what you mean about landfill, its horrendous all the disposable items now being used (which I understand) :(
What is your children's school implementation of safety upon return?

My son's schools have requested they bring a mask, sanitizer gel and anti bac wipes to clean their area. They do 6 classes per day and there is approx 900 students. While I applaud the cleaniness, I'm horrified at the amount of wipes headed to landfill from one school alone.

Suggestion in regards to wipes. Would be worth enquiring if reusable clothes and antibacterial spray decanted onto a smaller bottle Are acceptable. Not only better for the environment but surely more cost effective on the long run the cost of some of those wipes is ridiculous and they wipes dry out usually before you’ve used them all.
My children are in primary school, they are having staggered start times with set gates per school year, nothing is to go into/out of school so no pencil cases, book bags etc, they are to wear their p.e kit into school on p.e day. They will be kept in bubbles, lower years in a year group bubble, older years in classes.

Lunches are to be in the class room but are being provided hot picnics.

Any child that shows symptoms will be isolated until a parent can collect.
Secondary school for my kids. Whole school split across 3 entrances to get into school. Hand sanitising on entering and exiting each class. Required to wipe down desk before and after use but already this is not being followed by every class teacher. One way systems on stairs and corridors but again not strictly enforced. water fountains switched off, school lunches in grab bags or take away containers with disposable cutlery. Toilets locked during class time’s. Access only at break and lunch but my kids haven’t worked out how to get back in at break or lunch yet. Whole school decanted to playground at break and lunch. No staggered breaks. No jotters to be left in school, no sharing of pens etc. No changing room facilities for PE, pupils may wear PE kit to school on days they have PE. All PE lessons outside. Kids can wear face coverings if they chose. All pupils allowed to visit local shops at lunch but must adhere to social distancing rules. Kids travelling on school buses from wide geographical area with no social distancing on bus. classroom windows open where possible and doors to be left open where possible. Pupils to social distance from adults.
I understand the importance of getting the kids back to school for their mental health and education but my kids are pretty miserable with how school is now, they are also apprehensive about the crowding.