I binge watched this last week and while I did think it was well made and gripping, something about Richard Gadd left me feeling really unsettled.
i live in north London and about ten years ago used to spend a lot of time at comedy shows/live music stuff in and around Camden and got to know a few of the people on that circuit (although not very well, I didn’t stalk any of them, lol!). Based on that experience, he wrote the struggling ‘satirical’ comedian really well! That’s what they’re all like!
I do think Gadd is slightly disingenuous throughout - he sort of touched on his poor choices but still made himself out to have been the victim - the other people around him like his ex-gf and her mother who didn’t make poor choices but were still dragged into his chaos and abused. Poor Teri was treated appallingly but it was all about poor old Richard, even when she was literally assaulted. Teri being beaten up was literally a side note in how it affected him. Again with his dad making the confession about being a victim of SA, he is flabbergasted because clearly there is only room for one victim in the Richard show. I am not sure that was his intent in those scenes but that is certainly what came across to me.
He is also HUGELY disingenuous about his own privilege. He portrays his life as ‘struggling bar man in a more or less empty old man pub with meathead colleagues’ - not sure that is an accurate portrayal of the Hawley arms? Living in a huge house in London subsidised by your ex partners family???? What the duck? Most of us would have had to just go home and get a 9-5. He slagged everyone off for having ‘more’ (success, money, fun) but everyone was so nice to him and honestly I couldn’t really see what he brought to the table he was so unlikeable. It was weird how he was such a moaning bastard but everyone made sure he landed on his feet everytime- the party friends who gave him a room at reduced rent, the gf for not being dead happy that she was doused in Diet Coke for having the audacity to walk down the street, Teri for letting him stay. He didn’t even have to buy his own bloody coat! I wanted to shake him for being such an entitled bleep!