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New thread - hopefully this has been done correctly!
Congrats on the most liked title @treesy19
Congrats on the most liked title @treesy19
Was it you that sent the horrible message that made her feel a bit meh. TrollyI will be blocked in 3, 2, 1......
Please someone tell me they are watching her live.... OMG she thinks she is Anna Mathur now or something
Ahh i got notified bur I couldn't bring myself to listen to her voice
How was it?
I only managed two minutes hahaha is the mouth and teeth and the way she tries to put a posh accent and talks as if she is a nutritionist...I would not follow advice from someone so unqualified like her!
She's got an unusual face hasn't she!!
Ahhh poor cow, she's woken up feeling ill again, notice she's self diagnosing herself with a virus, why can't she just say she's feeling a bit crap, whys it always got to be a virus, chest infection, pneumonia or whatever else she reckons she gets?!
Just watched this. She’s actually lost the plot. She’s launching a BLW course and the next day is talking about raunchy dreams, sex and mild porn, aimed at people who ‘need some excitement in their life and aren’t getting it anywhere else’. BleughNot the raunchy dream
I’ve just seen the update where she gives the detail of another man being ‘in him’ whilst he’s putting pants and socks away. What the actual… that’s great BLW content right there!Steve already said she's like a bucket down there no wonder she isn't getting any
I’ve just seen the update where she gives the detail of another man being ‘in him’ whilst he’s putting pants and socks away. What the actual… that’s great BLW content right there!