I think I was in half on half off mode when I watched the vlog ! I’ll re watch it and see if I can understand it better.
I sometimes can’t tell if she’s laughing or crying !
I’ve been trying to have a dig . I’m not sure which area the old house is in. I could check rightmove if I knew . The company she’s to do with I think the address of that is to do with an office not their old home .
selling makes sense rather than renting it out . Like you say though not ideal at their age.
the defender must of set them back a bit - maybe it’s on finance .
I know these things happen in life. Nothing is for certain . But she must be heartbroken to have to move . Also into rented is a bit odd. If it was short term I could understand it and bridge time whilst searching for a new place but they are fitting new kitchen and doing it up - they are doing a lot to it for a rental . I can’t understand it
are they renting for a few years u til the children are older and off to uni then she will buy a small cottage somewhere maybe ? I’m not even sure of the ages of her children. I don’t follow her like I follow some others . I can go a couple of months without watching her .
she is very good with home skills , she seems very capable . She also has seemed to have a lot going on with catering , children, vlogging, selling courses , horses , dog etc .
si seems to be the traditional husband who doesn’t do a lot to help in the house . His business is some sort of food business isn’t it ?
The laundry room where she can only get two machines in and nothing else seems to be upsetting her. I think she’s the woman who wants that huge Aga kitchen , pantry and massive utility . She just isn’t getting what she wants with the house .
So yes she sold the last house. It is pulborough but I can’t find so far sales details . Maybe she’s done it quietly and asked for details to be pulled down.
I wonder if the new house is in the same area
No wonder I can’t find any trace of her house sale online. She says at the end of the vlog that the old house never went on the open market.
give it a few months and the sale details of how much she sold it for will be public information. I reckon she must of got 1.5-2 for what they have? Not sure of acres though .