I’ve touched on this a few times over the course of the last year or so, but as time goes on and events happen I’m almost certain that my thoughts are a strong possibility of how this will all pan out eventually.
We are aware that they havnt broken the law if they have spent the GFM donations which is looking more and more likely despite Cain promising that it was all put into the charity in July last year (after funeral expenses)
What they will have commited is a crime of morals, morally wrong on every level that the monies have not been used for the reasons they were promised in good faith, like the donations were made in good faith… this was assured after Azaylia passed.
We have established that the pair really don’t give a flying fig about anything/one including the smoke screen foundation, apart from themselves and both have strived unsuccessfully their adult lives to “make it in this world” and failed UNTIL NOW! On the back of their deceased baby.
Their behaviour and actions confirm that they have no care for the charity and we all know that it was simply created to embezzle to donations inconspicuously (or so they thought)
There recent escapades, it’s almost like a middle finger everyday, make me believe that they intend to be trolled, hated, pushed to their mental health limits to the extent that they “can no longer continue with the amazing plans they had moving forward”
They want to be able to say this, this is their aim, to “woe is us”
That we have been treat so badly and grab that final sympathy card before disappearing slowly slowly, by this point both will have established other areas of income/ FAME which they both crave.
They will bow out soon, trolls will be to blame, and they will have been successful in keeping as much of our money as possible, only giving funds when their hands are tied and tit gets hot, we know the money they give is through gritted teeth and they will be relieved to get rid of chain from around their necks (TAF)