•That thread went rather quick
•No response from ioan but he has many weeks to reply and it’s a bank holiday in the US so we’re on response-watch from tomorrow business day PST
•Alice posted what appeared to be a very staged photo of the girls sleeping and revealed that they clean the house and make breakfast for her
•Alice did not take the girls to any 4th of July celebrations, she just fought on instagram
•Alice decided to wade into Labours win, seriously pissing off single moms and working individuals and people on both sides of the Atlantic
•It was really rich of Alice, according to many commenters, to cry out that change is coming to the uk when she likely hadn’t voted, doesn’t live or even visit there
•She also took a
tit kicking for not working in the US
•To which Alice proclaimed proudly that she has booked 4 conventions this year and it was now time for their father to, ahem, contribute and she’s now an activist for both parents to contribute to their kids, all across America
•England is through to the semi finals
•Tone is back-ish
•Alice drunkenly posted a photo in the middle of the night with Ella at the front and Elsie behind with her arms around her Ella’s shoulders and very quickly dirty deleted…
•pap shots of Alice in the wild, with faux surprise and a take out coffee, because she’s on a very limited budget….her outfit sure looked cheap and unwashed $1000 a month in laundry amirite? And what was her monthly clothing budget?!
•Alice was reasonably quiet Saturday *hungover*
•It occurred to me that Alice might rely on my recaps to put together the pieces of lost days for her
•Sunday and it’s a post with a platitude about and a caption about being the most amazing mother in the world
•Then she posted yet another
crappy red carpet throwback picture where she was Ioan’s +1 showing again how she is focused on the future and leaving that chapter behind her
•Ioan and Bianca are back in LA
•She has just posted another reel which I can’t get to as I’m writing the recap
•Soaky has snacks and supplies
•Thank you for everyone’s individual contributions from content, thread making, titles, screen grabs, jokes
•Personally hoping House of Tea comes back soon
•Alice has posted another photo before I’ve been able to post this recap. May go through snacks and supplies faster than anticipated