Alexandra Stedman #12

A bit off topic but has anyone see what she's been uploading on Vinted recently? She must have a new/fake profile for all her gifted stuff but the original one has the saddest items of kids clothing- stained, stretched, bobbling... I can't believe people are actually buying it. I also still can't get over the fact that not only does she scrimp on the kids but then resells their clothes and still won't shell out for decent footwear for them 🥲
Bloody hell who would be reselling that. Chuck it in the rag bag and use it for cleaning, or cushion stuffing or whatever.
That is seriously tight and weird to try and sell an article of clothing that is so grey and used. Was it once white, as it doesn't look as if it should be grey? And the enormous stain down the front. She is such a skank. :sick:
I’m not one of those who advocates colour therapy or whatever it’s called where you get told you need to wear jewel colours or are a warm winter but the final jumper with her hair colour and that lipstick is doing nothing for her.

She needs to stick her clothes next to her face in bright light and see what makes her looks tit and what makes her look good. At the moment she’s shilling everything and it all looks crap. Just because the barrel shape is in, or we have been taught a French tuck is flattering doesn’t mean it looks good on everyone. It might have looked good on Alex 5 years ago but that doesn’t mean it looks good now. A good stylist can style for every age and every body shape (here’s looking at you Kat Farmer).
I just read your post on the last thread "What’s this daft haddock on about in her stories about ‘😲 what are all these things deducted from my wage on my pay slip? 😲 ’"
Please elaborate! What was she saying?! And I've never been self employed so didn't know she'd have a payslip
I’m not one of those who advocates colour therapy or whatever it’s called where you get told you need to wear jewel colours or are a warm winter but the final jumper with her hair colour and that lipstick is doing nothing for her.

She needs to stick her clothes next to her face in bright light and see what makes her looks tit and what makes her look good. At the moment she’s shilling everything and it all looks crap. Just because the barrel shape is in, or we have been taught a French tuck is flattering doesn’t mean it looks good on everyone. It might have looked good on Alex 5 years ago but that doesn’t mean it looks good now. A good stylist can style for every age and every body shape (here’s looking at you Kat Farmer).
That pale lipstick does nothing for her, it just makes her look pasty.

And barrel jeans do nothing for anyone. Even Louisa Hatt can't carry them off, and she's about 6ft tall and a size 6 at the most!
I just read your post on the last thread "What’s this daft haddock on about in her stories about ‘😲 what are all these things deducted from my wage on my pay slip? 😲 ’"
Please elaborate! What was she saying?! And I've never been self employed so didn't know she'd have a payslip

It was some back-slapping freelancers’ brunch and some of the advice being offered (not by Alex but she heartily agreed) sounded perilously like ‘go freelance and you won’t have to be autoenrolled into a pesky pension’. Saving more money for tiger tat and buying things on Vinted.

Which by any measure is terrible, terrible advice if you don’t have generational wealth to rely on (and even if you do, on the risky side).
I may only be a public sector pleb and but I look forward to my sweet, sweet pension. That’ll give Alex something else to make content about in the future, whinging that no-one told her to enrol in a pension 🙄

She’ll never need to, which is a big beef I have with her not declaring her financial reality whilst telling women what they must have/do. A caveat with it’s fine to be from privilege, enjoy it, but she is SO dishonest about it all and it’s a danger to the women she seeks to influence. The reality of her situation is that Alex will inherit a share of a multi million pound estate, she’ll never have to worry about saving for retirement, paying off the mortgage, saving for her kid’s educations or futures. Whilst the average British woman, will. And even worse when she was cosplaying as them being a couple on the average British salary it further tricks her audience into believing they can & should spend like her, which was particularly horrific when she was telling people to put kitchens on credit cards and take mortgage holidays 😱 like it’s all very well and good with a well resourced bank of mum & dad to pick up the pieces when base rate rises but I dread to think about what’s happened to actual couples on “their salary” who made the same choices when she was recommending them.

Tbh any influencer/large profile discussing money online needs to be regulated ideally, but if not as a bare minimum matter of decency disclose your full situation? Like I can prioritise redecorating monthly because I don’t make mortgage overpayments as it’s only a small mortgage, or I don’t save for x because of y. I hope more women wake up to it all and look to some of the good accounts on personal finance TikTok to see what to do with their lives/money beyond endless consumption.