Aldi & Lidl #7



VIP Member
Continuing from the last thread, sharing all things good and bad.

Old thread
So I will ask again as it was my last question before the forum moved.

Big Stack burgers - I saw them on the TV programme last week comparing with them with Big Mac and another burger. Have you eaten one, were they good or crap ? Worth buying at the price
They’re alright. I’ve bought them before for my husband. He will eat anything though!
I have it for T tonight - didn't notice it was 600+ cals before I bought it. :oops: Anyway the Aifryer instructions on the box did a good job for me, lots of fat in the bottom of the tray and then I brought them out and put them on kitchen paper to mop any more fat out of them. Didn't like the look of the bread :( but it in the air fryer it came out OK. Really wasn't looking forward to this.
Conclusion - They are good and I havn't had a Big Mac for years but used to love them - I put some lettuce and cucumber between the layers and I wish Aldi would sell the sauce packet in bottles.
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Lovely stuff altogether. I added extra cheese, plus an extra zap, at the end but that's because I'm a 🐷. Whoever is choosing their Gastro products is doing a great job.
Has anyone had any of the Aldi premixed cocktails either cans or any of the ones in bottles (Pina colada etc) and are they any good?
Has anyone had any of the Aldi premixed cocktails either cans or any of the ones in bottles (Pina colada etc) and are they any good?

The G&T ones, non-sweetener versions, are lovely and they've got fun classic sweets flavours in cider. The bubble gum one is recommended. It's not life changing but the blue colour delighted me.
Would not recommend the Aldi paella ready meal. I’m calorie counting so thought it was an easy option for tea. It went straight in the bin. Absolutely gross.
Has anyone had any of the Aldi premixed cocktails either cans or any of the ones in bottles (Pina colada etc) and are they any good?

I tried one of the strawberry and lime cider cocktail cans. Very sweet but not disgusting.
Try the M & S ones, they are good but double the price of Aldi. I have had a few of the Aldi ones and wouldn't buy any of them again.
M and S are the only good mojito can I've found, although the lidl frozen pouches at 99p are very nice.

For the person who liked the big mac burger style sauce, m and s do a burger dressing (like a salad dressing size) which is awesome 👌.
M and S are the only good mojito can I've found, although the lidl frozen pouches at 99p are very nice.

For the person who liked the big mac burger style sauce, m and s do a burger dressing (like a salad dressing size) which is awesome 👌.
It was me who loved the Aldi sauce & I have had the M&S one and liked it but prefer Aldi one - worth buying the burger just for the sauce. 🍔