
I don't think so, it seems Uber gave her leave based on her homeless situation. She also seems to be living somewhere, but I guess it's temporary, she hasn't explained
I presume as she has no fixed accommodation she’s not able to currently work as she may not be staying in her work area and must mind the dogs when in different accommodation etc. I hope they get sorted and she gets the help she needs no matter what the full story behind it all is
I genuinely felt for her and her situation up until this weekend, but seeing her clinging to the likes of one of the Peru two, and wannabe micro influences has turned me right off her! Also not declaring her spotlight discount code as an add is super shady.

Lads she's absolutely full of tit, I wouldn't believe one word she says on her socials. She's "out of work" as she refuses to let anyone else mind her dogs, she has an office she can go to but refuses.

Preaching she's a vegan yet eats mayo & chicken when she feels like it.

She's using the sob story hanging out of any influencer she can find to try and boost her socials and make it.

It says ALOT about her that not one family member or friend will take her in.
Exactly my thoughts when I saw her story she shared awareness etc which is great and she has valid points but why hide it for a week she said she was cleaning it all week in one sentence then said it’s all brand new and renovated and smells so clean so she’s tripping herself up in her lies!! Watch now there will be no getting rid of her on her “journey” to decorate will be next! I’ve unfollowed
She was gifted a LOAD of stuff from petstop last week, probably wanted to ensure she got the freebies before announcing she wasn't homeless anymore. I honestly don't understand why she kept it for a week seeing as her whole page was about finding a house.

Yeah she's constantly stumbling over lies. I can't afford this and that, then saying she offered 3 months rent and deposit up front. Constant lies.

I've unfollowed too, journey is over in my eyes.
I do like her and definitely felt so much empathy. But felt she came across ungrateful of certain opportunities and not wanting certain accommodations that were options - wanting more than one bedroom, wanting a garden, cheaper rent etc. we all want these things at a low cost but unfortunately I would say none of us renting have ideal or dream properties - we settle for what we can get.
Delighted she did get sorted and hopefully she will settle well and appreciate where she is now
Definitely lip filler needle marks, thought she was broke and homeless?

Broke but can afford lip filler, come on like. She thinks people are thick!
I did feel sorry for her till a few days after one of her rants about how horrible her sister was I saw them in the park together been happy families

Yep and how horrible her mother is, yet her mother is minding the dogs are minding all her stuff she took out of storage!
Glad she found a place, at least that’s some stability for her dogs. But agree with above, she complains incessantly about unimportant stuff and her recent stories definitely suggest she wants to be an influencer. She constantly hangs out with her family and in the same breath gives out about them and claims domestic abuse. Very very strange person.
Glad she found a place, at least that’s some stability for her dogs. But agree with above, she complains incessantly about unimportant stuff and her recent stories definitely suggest she wants to be an influencer. She constantly hangs out with her family and in the same breath gives out about them and claims domestic abuse. Very very strange person.
Very strange and very dangerous imo.

she’s unhinged! 2 posts screaming pay me attention within 24 hours, she mentioned yesterday she noticed people unfollowed her so this is her trying to claw it back.

also the blood looks like fake blood lol
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