yaz hadfield

  1. Poppetta83

    Yaz Hadfield #11 Deleting comments in le supermarché, Yasmin Harvey takes it up the arché

    As take as old as time, Yaz is a victim 🙄
  2. lestarkettlex

    Yaz Hadfield #10 Hide your husbands, Yazs had them all x

    As you were
  3. RandomAlpaca22

    Yaz Hadfield #9 Yaz Hadleesmate Harvey

    New thread for the Hadfield/Harvey Whore. Shout out @tittletottie for your winning thread title! Who will she sleep with next? Previous thread: https://tattle.life/threads/yaz-hadfield-8-yaz-hadeveryonesdad.43217/page-51 Happy tattling x
  4. RandomAlpaca22

    Yaz Hadfield #8 Yaz HadEveryonesDad

    New thread for our mentally unstable Mama, THE Mrs Yazzy Hadders❤ Thank you to @zyxwvu for your winning thread suggesting, really quite fitting! Recap: -Shagged Soph's baby daddy, is in denial that she has done anything wrong -Still rimming Eden, both online and offline -Posting fake ads for...
  5. welshlass87

    Yaz Hadfield #7 Yaz Harvey (was Hadfield, wishes it was Hulme)

    Well done @mrsgrinchhome for your thread suggestion. You are the winner. Any one want to do a recap on Mrs Hulme #2?
  6. Mrskane29

    Yaz Hadfield #6 Lee, Lee, he’s our man, Gums can’t have him, POTATO CAN!!

    Congratulations to the future Mrs Hadfield @potatopotato2988 on the title! Anyone able to do a recap?
  7. Mrskane29

    Yaz Hadfield #5 Yaz Harvey (was Hadfield)

    Congrats @Notapennyformythoughts on the title! Can someone do a recap please?
  8. EvilJigglypuff

    Yaz Hadfield #4 Come on Lee, it’s time to spill the tea on Gums McGee!

    Continuation of discussion on one of TikTok’s most Tattle-obsessed - hiya Yaz! 👋🏻 Recap: Yaz has continuously gone on holiday and spent almost zero time at home for many weeks now, while posting baiting content which suggests her marriage to Lee is on the rocks, if not over. Of course, despite...
  9. Mrskane29

    Yaz Hadfield #3 Lee Hadfield's (ex?) wife!

    Congratulations @Spencerino42 on the title! This ought to make Mrs 'they don't bother me!' be bothered 😅 As you were trollllls!
  10. Mrskane29

    Yaz Hadfield #2 Lee Hadfield’s wife.

    Well done @potatopotato2988! Anyone do a recap?
  11. PinguPea

    Yaz Hadfield (Eden Harz’s sister)

    Older sister of Eden Harvz and god do we know about it-she never stops banging on about it. Main personality trait is her very long but dead hair. Other personality trait is acting like the first woman ever to have a baby. Tries to be hard to be tik tok famous and desperate to steal her sisters...