
  1. T

    TTC #11 The Long & Winding Road

    Hi folks, setting up a new thread. This was the only suggestion when I asked for thread titles before. Previous thread here: Positive thoughts to you all through this thread!
  2. S

    TTC / Pregnancy after a loss

    Hey ladies. As we were talking in the other thread - we kinda don't belong to the normal pregnancy thread as we tend to worry much more and have specific anxieties after our losses. So this could be a safe place to discuss TTC / pregnancy after a loss. 🙏🏼
  3. Keera

    TTC #10 “1DPO pregnancy symptoms”

    Thread number 10 ladies! Hopefully a lucky one… title in honour of something I KNOW we have all googled 😂
  4. LittleMissMuffet

    Menstrual cycles affected by covid

    Hi All, I recently had covid for the second time (I first got it nearly two years ago and was largely unaffected just felt a bit rubbish) and I’m also TTC with baby #2. I was due to start my period 3 days ago. I’m almost never late (I track my cycle on an app and have done for years just...
  5. Jasminexx02

    TTC #9 Your worth is not determined by your fertility

    Credit to @Elisha97 for the thread title. Sending baby dust to you all! xx
  6. B

    TTC #8 A great adventure is about to begin…

    New thread everyone! There were no title suggestions in the previous thread so I hope you’ll take some comfort in a little quote from Winnie the Pooh himself🧸 Sending love to you all💗
  7. B

    TTC #7 Even miracles take a little time…

    Hi everyone! TTC #7 thread title as created by myself (with the most likes) as I couldn’t find any other suggestions in the last thread and I thought this was a lovely way of highlighting the hope we all have and need💓
  8. Its_Me

    TTC #6

    New thread for trying to conceive advice, support and discussion 💕 Regularly used acronyms: DTD - do the deed/have sex AF - aunt flow TTC - trying to conceive OPK - ovulation prediction kit BFN - big fat negative BFP - big fat positive DPO - day past ovulation CD - cycle day EWCM -...
  9. Lola UK

    TTC #5 peeing in pots and on hands

    Hello! Another thread for our TTC ladies 🙂 Congratulations to all the positives in the last thread ✨♥️ Thought it might be nice for everyone to reintroduce themselves? I’m 31 and have been with my partner for nearly 7 years. It’s hard to put a timeframe on how long we’ve been trying 🤣 we...
  10. Zoombeeni2245

    Share your miracle TTC stories

    Hi everyone, I thought it would be nice for people to share their ( or people they knows) miracle stories of trying to conceive. The stories of having being told there was no hope of ever having a child only for this to be proved wrong? I’ll go first; A guy I knews parents...
  11. C

    TTC #4

    Posting a follow on thread from the last one as it’s reached the max. Hope I did it right some acronyms DTD - do the deed/have sex AF - aunt flo TTC - trying to conceive OPK - ovulation prediction kit BFN - big fat negative BFP - big fat positive
  12. Lola UK

    TTC #3

    A welcoming, friendly thread for those TTC (trying to conceive) 😊 (stole these from the previous thread, thank you @Dibdab Some common abbreviations: AF = Aunt Flo (period) BFP = big fat positive BFN = big fat negative OPK = ovulation predictor kit HPT = Home pregnancy test DTD =...
  13. M

    Fertility clinic (TTC, PCOS)

    Long post sorry! Hello to anyone that reads this and Thankyou in advance if you are able to advise me. I was informed by my doctor this week that I have PCOS based on an ultrasound scan, camera scan and blood tests. He said I have over 25 (I guess he just counted up to 25 and then thought that...
  14. Dipdab

    TTC’ers #2

    TTC’s #2 - thread for those trying to conceive. Some common abbreviations: AF = Aunt Flo (period) BFP = big fat positive BFN = big fat negative OPK = ovulation predictor kit HPT = Home pregnancy test DTD = do/did the deed
  15. G


    Hi and welcome! Thought I’d set up a thread for those of us who are TTC. I’m currently 2 years in to the process. Docs finally took my bloods which showed I possibly ovulated, my prolactin was borderline, and my testosterone was high. Been for an ultrasound which showed cysts on both ovaries...