the stacey's

  1. chlophia2505

    The Stacey's #4 Baby number 2 is on the way! Billy’s got a new girlfriend but he’s still definitely gay

    Hi all, saw someone struggling to make a new thread so here we go. Resume! And if anyone wants to do a little run down that would be great 😃
  2. A

    The Stacey's #3 Mel & Billy Stacey Relationship is dead, boys in Billy's bed, mels hair has shed revealing more head 🥚

    Thread 3 for these two : someone wanna do a summary? --- Sorry for the bad grammar in the title! It posted without me finishing.
  3. Peakyblinders

    The Staceys #2 Forehead will stay whilst Billys gay for pay. Baby will come whilst greys gone astray

    Thread 2 guys - change of name as they’re now THE STACEYS 😂 because billy cheated and they’re trying to re brand so everyone forgets!
  4. Peakyblinders

    Lifewiththegrayys (Melissa & billy)

    What are everyone’s thoughts on this couple? Do porn and only fans together… got engaged after a few weeks of being together etc? Holding off on my opinions for now just wondering what everyone else’s thoughts are?