snam haisasta

  1. dee_mc

    Snámhaí Sásta #4 be kind, you misfortunes (but only if it's Friday)

    New thread for June, grifter extraordinaire and supposed mental health advocate Anyone attempt a recap of thread #3?
  2. S

    Snamhai Sásta #3 Pain in the gut

    Congrats to @dee_mc for the winning thread title. We’re on our 3rd thread already. Can you believe it? Juney and mama Burke must be seething. Juney still goes on about her poor health (when she thinks of it). Otherwise she ating and drinking to beat the band, begging for gifted items, and...
  3. S

    Snamhaí Sásta #2 Shifty-eyed June still paddling like a páiste.

    Well done to @ItsDatCuw on the winning thread title. Off ye go. And remember to be nice…poor wee June, the widow, is a sensitive soul. Be kind. She doesn’t have much but she’s happy with her lot…the crathur…
  4. dee_mc

    Snamhaí Sásta June Curtin

    First thread for June, mental health and sea swimming influencer