running instagrammers

  1. the_chafe_is_real

    Welsh Runner and Kelloggs On The Run #18 Piss Poor Parents & Piss Poor Pacing in Pisa

    New thread with congrats to @Fake-It-Til-You-Bonk-It for the suggestion! Old thread
  2. the_chafe_is_real

    Running Instagrammers #15 when content is more important than health

    New thread! Congrats to @Foxasaurus for the title win. Anyone fancy a recap or does our title say it all?! old thread
  3. the_chafe_is_real

    Welsh Runner and Kelloggs on the Run #17 Threshy Seshy Splashy Crashy

    New thread! Old thread:
  4. the_chafe_is_real

    Welsh Runners and KelloggsOnTheRun #16 It’s all gone a bit Pete Thong

    New thread! Recap: Will she/won’t she? Kells has the Swansea 70.3 in her sights (her sight line being the local indoor pool or her zwift bike in the kitchen). Tits is injured and training like a madman. old thread...
  5. the_chafe_is_real

    Running Instagrammers #14 Helen Gaunt really hates wearing clothes, doesn’t she

    Winning title by @hollyhocks, well done, you get some Kiprun cast offs for your title win. In catch up news: Helen Gaunt ran elites in London but still can’t cover her arse Anna is still pregnant but still loving her runs, that’s just what she loves to do! Anya bombed in her elite start...
  6. EC1A

    Welshrunner, kelloggsontherun #15 The most hard-working, full-time clowns out there

    Volume 14 recap: * FTT and Kels got evicted and moved into a newer dustbin thanks to FTT sacrificing himself and working so incredibly hard to provide for his family. Truly, an inspiration for all men out there. * Kels is preparing for a 70.3. Or is it a surprise BQ attempt!? The suspense is...
  7. the_chafe_is_real

    Running Instagrammers #13 Strava doesn’t lie, my watch really did die!

    New thread! Congrats to @orange club biscuit for the suggestion, you get Full Time Tits dead tooth when it drops out. Pop it under your pillow for a BQ. Old thread here
  8. EC1A

    Welshrunner, kelloggsontherun #14 Going all in is getting long in the (dead) tooth

    New thread to discuss the world’s saddest Insta running couple. Will Kels do an Ironman? Or admit an injury? Will Tits go sub 220? And will either go and see a dentist?
  9. Fifah1907

    Welshrunner, kelloggsontherun #13 Valencia, I think we have a problem!

    Bonkedy bonked it basically sums up my recap --- @irunforfun with the title 🥇
  10. O

    The Runner Beans

    A thread to discuss our favourite jet-setting ‘running’ influencer!
  11. Fifah1907

    Running instagrammers #12 GRWM - it’s just waking up, dressing and eating, not content.

    Happy Monday! Nee thread brought to you by someone who can’t run so is bored walking on the treadmill 😂
  12. Justwanttochat80

    Welshrunner, kelloggsontherun #12 Why so serious? Not off to war. It's all relative, let's bonk some more.

    Someone had to start the new thread. We need to continue today's Riga embarrassment. Catch up here.... Who wants to do the recap?
  13. the_chafe_is_real

    WelshRunner-Kelloggs on the Run #11 Tennis, Triathlons,Tiny Teeth Tits - Day In The Life of Unemployed Kellogg

    This was the most liked thread title suggestion! I did have to amend due to character limits (110, for future reference!)
  14. Fifah1907

    Running instagrammers #11 Transformation Tuesday - they all start to pay for their kit

    Run to your heart’s content!
  15. the_chafe_is_real

    Welsh Runner and Kelloggs On The Run #10 more stoppage time than the NFL

    New thread! Old thread:
  16. the_chafe_is_real

    Running Instagrammers #10 I have a following. Oh so you are Jesus now? £9.99 for 20k on offer

    New thread! Old thread should be below. Poll is not really a poll as such but create your own Runfluencer starter pack above. With the right combination, you could be over sharing your life with strangers online, followed mainly by bots or perverts and coach people without having the slightest...
  17. E


    A new thread for a giant ego.
  18. snapdrag0n

    Running Instagrammers #9 We go by chip time around here

    Well done @absolute-omnishambles via @eyethinkyousuck for the winning title. Obviously censored as it’s not PG for the actual thread title! Please remember a few runners already have their own threads: + Project Marathon Girl (Jordan Foster) -...
  19. the_chafe_is_real

    Welsh Runner, Kelloggs on the Run #9 embarrass the body, homemade gels result in stress fractures & no PB bell

    New thread! Old thread
  20. the_chafe_is_real

    Running Instagrammers #8 I have a LIRF, you can trust me! Beginner to Marathon to A&E!

    New thread and congrats to @absolute-omnishambles for the win! Old thread:
  21. snapdrag0n

    thewelshrunner & kellogs_ontherun #8 ALL IN running in the Buff; you’ll get a PB if you WANT IT enough

    New thread time, well done @coopdeloop for a clear win on title 👏 Old thread - Now it’s time for the Amsterdam poll!
  22. snapdrag0n

    thewelshrunner & kellogs_ontherun #7 All in, smug grin, let’s manifest Boston by doing more colouring in

    New thread. Well done to @the_chafe_is_real for the winning title! Could someone TLDR? I’ve been on holiday and dealing with a family bereavement so I’m not as up to date as I usually am even though I have been lurking! Old thread -...
  23. snapdrag0n

    Running Instagrammers #7 Hard lives of the gifted ones full sending their boomshakalakas for validation

    New thread as requested. Well done @instaclowns 😘 Had to cut down the title. Should have been: Running Instagrammers #7 - The hard lives of the gifted brigade full sending their boomshakalakas in desperation for validation. Could someone TLDR? Old thread -...
  24. snapdrag0n

    thewelshrunner & kellogs_ontherun #6 Sweaty floor, a few donuts more, Ironman soon, swims gonna make Tits sore

    New thread, someone please TLDR if they can as I’m about to get off the train and head into work. If not I’ll try later. Well done to @WeepingCassandra for this thread title. Had to condense from this due to character limits: thewelshrunner & kellogs_ontherun #6 Sweat on the floor, a few...
  25. I

    thewelshrunner & kellogs_ontherun #5 The selfish life of the selfish sweaty floor lovers of moonboot condoms

    Welcome to the selfish adventures of the selfish sweaty kitchen floor fraudster bonkers in moonboot condoms! Summary is an unknown number of: DNF's Paid followers Unworn moonboots Baby daddy's Amount of time they actually look after their kids Ounces of sweat on the kitchen floor Number of...