Continuing from
All welcome 😁
Thanks @Laughalong for the thread title
I haven’t given no as an option in the poll because everyone should have one or be planning to get one 😂
Old thread:
Continue on mums-to-be! Advice, questions, rants, worries, excitement, updates, the lot.
There’s also an off topic pregnancy thread FYI
Everyone’s welcome whether you’re pregnant or had your baby and can’t say bye.
At least once per page the Nuby Rapid Cool will be mentioned. If you haven’t already got one stop reading and head to Amazon. It will transform any bottle feed you do and improve your life.
Previous thread
Off topic thread
Continue 🥰
I’ve not had decent sleep for 6 days. Six. I’m currently drinking a sneaky Redbull as some sort of weird endorphin / keeping myself sane...
Hey ladies. As we were talking in the other thread - we kinda don't belong to the normal pregnancy thread as we tend to worry much more and have specific anxieties after our losses. So this could be a safe place to discuss TTC / pregnancy after a loss. 🙏🏼
A little safe space for our pregnant and post partum community to chatter away about things other than pregnancy, anyone welcome, even if you’ve just had your baby and moving on from the pregnancy thread 💖
Chatter away then guys 😁 I don’t feel like a weirdo now for still chatting away on a...
Continuing from here:
I know there was a thread title suggestion posted but I couldn’t find it, sorry 😩
Please can someone offer any words of wisdom or comfort or advice - I'm sorry this might be long and garbled but I'm a mess.
Me and my boyfriend planned for a baby, and I fell pregnant on the first month we tried. I was delighted as was he, and for the first couple of months he was happy but...
I wanted to post this in the pregnancy thread but worried about upsetting or scaring people. I also thought about the miscarriage and baby loss thread but thought maybe people avoid it once they are in a new phase
After years of gynae issues etc, last year I got pregnant and I was so thrilled...
Another thread to discuss pregnancy no matter what stage you are at.
To discuss aniexty, joy and everything that comes with pregnacy 😊
(not able for the thought of clicking on the 33-38 week option as I'm techincally in my 33 week of pregnancy as I've been here since my positive test) 😭😭
TRIGGER WARNING - Termination is discussed
Hi all,
Never did I think I would be this confused about being pregnant.
Little back story , I’m 35 hubby and I have a 19 year old 15 year old and 3 yr old. Our son has recently been diagnosed autistic and has quite high needs.
From the time we had a...
Thought I’d put my pregnancy insomnia to good use and make a new thread 🤣
I’m going to have my baby on this thread - mad!
Old thread:
OK so I'm currently trying to get pregnant.
I did a clear blue 6 days early test on Friday night,my period isn't due until Wednesday.
The test came back negative,so I threw it in the bin not in a bin bag or anything g infact it was on a old coat...
I then did another test on Saturday with early...