Well done to @essence_of_rock for the latest thread title for Yorkshire's very own gremlin.
Still an alcoholic.
Still denying her grandson.
Still putting on an accent to say chutney.
Still a tramp.
Have at it 😊
Had to scroll down a bit to find the best title, thanks @Helliebella
Last thread:
Thanks to @Hereforthehottea for the thread title which got the most likes! Congratulations! You win a burnt Yorkshire pudding from the stubby toe-fingers of Kev’s filthy hands.
Anyone got a summary?
Hi all! Merry Christmas!
The top thread title was a collaborative effort suggested by @Squashedbanana and @smudge126 and me. There were so many funny posts on the Most Liked, I had a good laugh as I scrolled for the first thread title suggestion!
Grandper Dave looks like a big tipsy Rudolph...
Thread #16! Bev might be running out of material but we aren’t.
This was the most liked post with the words “thread title” in it and it think it’s brilliant. Well done @EvilJigglypuff you get 2 degrees from Keighley university! Use them wisely.
All is predictable in Bev’s world - fighting with...
Thread suggestion with the most votes at time of creation came from @mrsbucket
the second most popular ‘Bev has five grandchildren.’ was from @Hereforthehottea
You both win a ‘gourmet’ meal cooked by Nanna and you can have a wipe down with the Thursday cleaning rag
New thread! I THINK this was the thread title with the most likes but it wasn’t much of a competition tbh as we didn’t have a huge number of suggestions.
She’s been flashing the Toby Carvery gold card and painting her bathroom (without taking the pictures off the wall…)
Wonder if she’ll be...
Congratulations @CheCheKitty1 on the winning thread title, you win a bottle of Echo Falls and a lemon to be eaten as a snack x
Continuation of discussion on the odious Nanna Bastard.
Recap: still a crusty alcoholic gremlin.
As you were, trolls…
Thread suggestion with the most votes came from @shakenshake Congratulations you win a Tupperware container of unidentified slop fresh from Bev’s freezer.
Does anyone follow her? I really liked her at first, plating her dinners up etc. But now I feel she’s too try hard, and very arrogant in her replies. I’ve really gone off her!