
  1. houseofhoop

    Mothering_It #4 I’ll speak about our feeding journey when I’m ready.

    Carry on tattling. Emma had another baby, a traumatic birth (it wasn’t), she’s bread crumbing that she had pre- eclampsia (she didn’t) and she’s now hinting at a difficult feeding ‘journey’ (it isn’t) In fact the whole process was stress free and all the drama was manufactured by Emma, we are...
  2. A

    Mothering_it #3

    New thread!
  3. A

    Mothering_it #2 Stuck up, moaning and ignoring her kids. Andy hiding, eager to get rid.

    New thread for Mothering It I guess we needed a new one due to more people seeing through her lies and narcissism!
  4. C

    Mothering it
