
  1. G

    McFly, Busted and Wives #7 Busted vs McFly Who's more desperate for money?

    Thread title suggestion -- @myra1409 Poll suggestion -- @KINGAA 🤣 Recap - Busted Vs McFly tour announced for next year - busted were booed at the announcement and killed the vibe - James is trying to be the support act again either as future boy or son of dork - James is arguing with mcfly...
  2. Millyve

    McFly, Busted and wives #6 James might expire on the spot, Dougies wouldn't pay for a Soundcheck slot

    As one thread comes to an end a new one must start…. A bit like your two favourite bands going on tour. Well done to @GrilledCheese for the thread title. Link to the previous thread can be found here
  3. Millyve

    McFly, Busted and wives #5 I'm not Connie I'm Amy!

    New thread…… Someone feel free to do a recap. Well done to @breadcooms on thread title. Old thread can be found here Continue as you were.
  4. sleepingpanda

    McFly, Busted and wives #4 Hello?? McFly??

    Thank you @KINGAA for the thread title… Recap? Charlie wowed us all on the masked singer…Tom now has chickens and where is this McFly album?? Carry on 😊
  5. sleepingpanda

    McFly, Busted and wives #3 Mcfly are going on tour but James Bourne is no more

    Thank you @Mennymoo123 for the title…anyone want to recap?
  6. calmyourritas

    McFly, Busted and Wives #2 All About The McMoney!

    Thanks to @bellbells16 for the thread title! Hope it’s okay I changed McBusted to just Busted. Continue here :)
  7. Ripley Rose Kat

    McFly, McBusted and Wives

    The title says it all!