
  1. T

    KeepingupwithKirstylea #26 Kirsty can’t sing, can’t act, stage school was a total waste and you’re going to get sacked! Previous thread here Does anyone want to do a recap? Thread title suggestion from @ghostriderhere
  2. Jane Porcupine

    KeepingupwithKirstylea #25 New flat, still fat, ain’t no shedding for this wedding!

    New thread everyone! Thanks to Weezaweeza for the most popular thread title. As per the title, Danyul and Kirsty have finally moved out of his parents spare room into their own flat so that Danyul can become her sole full time carer. Still fat, still lying about what she eats, still pretending...
  3. T

    Keepingupwithkirstylea #24 Six week challenge? That was just a joke, line me up burger, fries and coke

    Previous thread: Most liked thread title suggestion Kirst is smashing it with the 6 weeks challenge like she...
  4. Manbagzda

    Keepingupwithkirstylea #23 Lifewithcringeylea

    Well over on last thread so I've started a new one. @Anti-influencer influenced the title 💅👏
  5. Its_Me

    Lifewithkirstylea #22 #caloriesunknown

    Winning thread tile by @Manbagzda 👏🏼 Recap: Still can’t count calories. Still hasn’t lost any weight. Still making excuses.
  6. BettyBeau

    Lifewithkirstylea #21 2lb gain, ‘intergestion’ pain, eating more protein was all in vain.

    Awesome thread title from @shank_hunt_42 with 21 votes
  7. T

    Lifewithkirstylea #20 shredding for the wedding?More like binging and whinging

    Previous thread here: Winning title by @Dreamz
  8. Its_Me

    Lifewithkirstylea #19 Gym filming fixation; do you think you’re ever going to pass a probation?

    Formally keepingupwithkirstylea Thread title by @Gobbylurker unfortunately the full suggestion was too long so I had to cut it down.
  9. BettyBeau

    keepingupwithkirstylea #18 Corporate job? Why be so shady? Girl, we all know you’re just the tea-lady.

    Brilliant thread title from @NapQueenReturns with 17 votes.
  10. Its_Me

    keepingupwithkirstylea #17 The only thing keepingupwithkirstylea is her weight

    New thread for Kirsty Lea Dowling. Winning thread title by @thenoodle 🎉
  11. BettyBeau

    keepingupwithkirstylea #16 Hopes for a proposal in Dubai instead Dan’s taken her to Rye

    New thread tittle whooo whol not had one in ages.
  12. BettyBeau

    Keepingupwithkirstylea #15 Dairylea and one-pump flogging Goli. Anaemic sausages? What a wally

    @NapQueenReturns does it again Keepingupwithkirstylea #15: Dairylea and One-Pump flogging Goli. Anaemic sausages? What a Wally.
  13. BettyBeau

    Keepingupwithkirstylea:14 No job, no friends, wasting her life.

    Well done @NapQueenReturns for awesome new thread title 31 votes. Unfortunately had to cut it down to fit original title Keepingupwithkirstylea:14 No job, no friends, wasting her life, I do wish Penfold would make me his wife. Thread recap Kirsty is as boring as ever. Currently unemployed and...
  14. BettyBeau

    Keepingupwithkirstylea #13 lost 4st in 60 months.

    Keepingupwithkirstylea #13 lost 4 stone in 60 months and I'm gonna keep telling u cos I'm a narcissistic C...... here is the original title well done to @JVC1982
  15. T

    Keepingupwithkirstylea #12 Found a man keeping it quiet. Now I've got him it's bye to diet

    Well done to @Rosiejones100 for the thread title Full suggestion was : "Found a man keeping it quiet. Now I've got him it's bye bye to the diet" with 28 likes. Lifetime supply of dare products for you 🥳 TLDR: Kirsty has a boyfriend, tattle have named him penfold and they're #models Kirsty...
  16. BettyBeau

    Keepingupwithkirstylea #11 found a man but keeping it quiet

    With thanks to myself smug smile nose wrinkle. With 29 votes send me a signed pic of you in your pants Kirst and a home made blueberry muffin
  17. chaitealatte

    Keepingupwithkirstylea #10 - 5lbs lost, what a lie, sh*t workouts & her foods grey and dry

    Thank you to @Thewatcher for the thread title. It was the most liked with 24 votes. The original title read: Keepingupwithkirstylea - 5lbs lost, what a lie, her work outs are shit and her foods grey and dry. Edited slightly to fit. Hope I’ve started the new thread correctly 😄
  18. BettyBeau

    Keepingupwithkirstylea #9

    title removed by staff member - not appropriate continue here
  19. BettyBeau

    Keepingupwithkirstylea #8 Cremated bagels and chemical sauce, for blackout Tues no remorse

    With 24 likes Thread suggestion goes to @chaitealatte. you win a signed photo of her in her pants and a trolley dash round Lidl’s while she sings show tunes .
  20. Foundmypeople

    Keepingupwithkirstyslies #7

    New thread thanks to @BettyBeau who got 16 votes on thread 5 and another 9 on thread 6 for this 👌🏻 I think it’s perfect 😂 And here we have a clear admission of guilt. You didn’t put the work in did you Kirsty 😂😂
  21. T

    Keepingupwithkirstylea #6 800 calories for breakfast alone, can’t get a job cause she’s glued to her phone

    Big thanks to @Foundmypeople for the thread suggestion with 16 likes! Royally fucked the title up trying to do too many things at once, it should be: 800 calories for breakfast alone, can’t get a job cause she’s glued to her phone
  22. Its_Me

    Keepingupwithkirstylea #5

    With 14 likes on keeping the title simple, continue here....
  23. S

    Keepingupwithkirstylea #4 The Boris of Croydon has us howling, don't mess with a Dowling

    Thanks @NapQueen for the thread suggestion. Sorry the whole thing didn't fit. I tried. As you were...
  24. conrea37

    Keepingupwithkirstylea#3 Protein shakes, thunder thighs, Dairylea Dowling & her compulsive lies

    Title by @Imnotahero with 15 likes Continue here!
  25. conrea37

    Keepingupwithkirstylea #2 telling lies, protein bars not fries, but just look at the thighs

    New thread. Had to edit the title as too long to fit, sorry! Thread title by @111111 Thread 1