Previous thread
Johnny seems to be enjoying his time since the verdict. Has been resigned by Dior and is filming a lead role in a new film.
Turd is selling her house. No news about removing her from Aquaman 2.
Previous thread here:
Recap of previous thread -
Johnny Depp won the case! 🥳 He has been on tour with Jeff Beck around the UK doing what he loves 🎸🎤 and having the odd MEGA 🍷
Elaine Bredehoft had her 15 minutes of fame doing interviews and blaming everyone else for the outcome of the trial. 🙄
Dr Sméagol Spiegel...
Johnnies won in USA but now all eyes on Britain, god save the Queen!
(have you ever looked at a word so much it starts to look wrong? I am getting that with Johnny, the h's and n's are dancin' before me eyes) 😂
A day of depos, but they seem to have backfired for #AmberTurd.
They had a genius on the stand to prove a concerted # campaign after Adam Waldman gave info to the papers. All that showed us is that #AmberTurd and #JusticeForJohnnyDepp, plus others trended on Twitter. Depp's team managed to...
Recorded depositions are incredibly boring.
Watching iO and Rocky is like watching paint dry.
Josh was more interesting.
Whitney is clearly just spouting what Amber has told her to say.
Elaine finished questioning AH. She said she'd paid $3.5million to each charity. Then said she hadn't. Then said she is going to. Then said Elon had paid some in her honour!
She then said her legal fees have cost $6million!
Now Camille's got her in the cross hairs!
Previous thread here...
A new thread in time for a new week in court. Strap yourselves in, folks.
The break in court allowed us to digest the trial to date and a lot of good YouTube videos regarding various testimonies were shared, if you're interested in that sort of thing. Old thread here...
Thread #5 was exhausting. Thankfully, we have a week's break to recover and get ourselves ready for AH's cross-examination.
Still plenty to discuss in the meantime, though!