joe wicks

  1. M

    Joe Wicks #21 Dosie and the ferals

    Thread title from @willawallawooh Baby number 4’s due date is this week. Joe and Rosie were away at a wedding this weekend and at the end of the month Joe is off to Glastonbury. He tried to avoid sugar and lasted three whole hours. Stories have seen him binge eating crisps and chocolate in his...
  2. C

    Joe Wicks #20 Dozie swaps her DD’s for a couple of E’s and Joe launches a new book - Has Been in 15

    Thanks for all the great thread title suggestions. Several corkers but the one with most votes was @Brummiebird 's brilliant one above. Recap? Full in any blanks I've left out: * Joe the wonder parent has pulled Indie out of school so they can be together as a family, and is now homeschooling...
  3. Anotherdayanotherwalk

    Joe Wicks #19 Dozie not allowed to ever get fat as long as she's married to the Coachella twat

    Winning thread title goes to @Lorelei So it seems after the backlash over his posts about Rosie whist wafting around on a hugely well deserved holiday to Santa Monica over Easter, he's pared back sharing every fart with us. He's currently focused on living in the moment and being present...
  4. B

    Joe Wicks #18 The Messiah’s children are shoeless and his parenting is clueless

    Congratulations @SnarkShark82 on the genius thread title. A free copy of the Burpee Bears is winging it’s way to you (because they ain’t selling well 😂). Previous thread recap :- The self proclaimed Messiah, his glamour model wife Dozie and their children Indigo, Marlon and Leni went on a...
  5. WeHadFunRight

    Joe Wicks #17 He can talk the talk but struggled to walk the walk

    Thread title by @Asparagus123 well done you. Anyone want to recap? Joe’s mainly been whinging about how hard he has it, particularly as a father of 3 but mainly father of Marley- apparently that’s rough. He’s still sharing that poor kid’s lunches as if anyone is interested. they went to the...
  6. WeHadFunRight

    Joe Wicks #16 His meals are dry and bland. Shelled 9k on a new icebath just to outdo Russell Brand.

    New Thread. Thanks for the title @Bluesoul88 - had to edit a bit to make it fit. Do we want to recap? Joe’s had a baby, oh actually Dozie has. But Joe’s the best dad in the world, still prioritising sleep and himself, Dozie’s gone underground until her 🔥 body bounces back. Marley’s lunches are...
  7. WeHadFunRight

    Joe Wicks #15 The floppy haired wat. He didn't get the record? Oh how very sad.

    Following on here - title is a dynamic duo effort by @keepyourpeace and @Brummiebird Hoping I’ve done this right! Old Thread: If anyone wants to recap please do - something about being a little...
  8. B

    Joe Wicks #14 Sir Joe of Gin Tons, M(assive) B(ell) E(nd)

    Thanks @Giggling Squid for the thread title! Joe the Burpee Saviour has dumped his pregnant wife and 2 kids for a well needed break with the boys in New York. He's worked so hard recently and won't let anyone forget how proud he is of PE with Joe, that was now 2 years ago! He's regularly...
  9. Anotherdayanotherwalk

    Joe Wicks #13 Hi Joe you probably won’t see this but bog off

    Congratulations to @elevatordomino for winning thread title, a reference to how so many of his messages from fans seem to start. So our Messiah is currently overseas in Santa Monica but fear not he will be returning at the end of the month. He's pushing hard the narrative of exercise is the...
  10. Anotherdayanotherwalk

    Joe Wicks #12 He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!

    Whilst waiting for the second coming to return to us from his 2 day Instagram break, aka reconnecting with Dozie, I thought I'd get the next thread up and running for us. Congratulations to @Brummiebird for the winning title! Highlights of the previous thread include his increasing god...
  11. Scragbags

    Joe Wicks #11 On a binge, loves a whinge, makes us cringe!

    @Borntorun Got the title and it's still as true as ever. I honestly can't remember anything he's done other than not complete any of the challenges he's set himself.
  12. B

    Joe Wicks #10 Hot tub twonk machine

    Many thanks to @Clare for the title. Quick update of the previous thread ;- Joe has got a hot tub, ice bath and a sauna. Joe likes to tell everyone about his hot tub, ice bath and sauna Joe treated us all to daily updates in his hot tub, ice bath and sauna. Joe is still as insufferable and...
  13. FraggleRock

    Joe Wicks #9 For those who can’t see through his act, you can buy his Bodycoach app

    New thread thanks to @Brummiebird for the title!
  14. FraggleRock

    Joe Wicks #8 Never with the kids or wife, constantly living the single life.

    New thread, credit to @Lynx for the title
  15. FraggleRock

    Joe Wicks #7 Joe in Scotland breaking every Covid rule, he’s nothing but a massive tool!

    New thread everyone - credit to Lynx for the title, had to edit to fit; Joe Wicks #7 Joe is in Scotland breaking every Covid rule, that's because he's one big massive tool.
  16. L

    Joe Wicks #6 My mum was a fail, she didn’t feed me kale

    New thread, thanks to @Asparagus123 with 45 likes! First time creating a thread, do let's hope I get it right. Previous thread here:
  17. StephenTJackson

    Joe Wicks #5 breastfeeding police make mums feel tommy tit, no tits no opinion, stick to HIIT

    NEW THREAD: Thanks to @Belladonnababy for the title suggestion Though a shout out to who suggested Cream in 15, not that we need to think about that.
  18. StephenTJackson

    Joe Wicks #4 His ego is bigger than his midget tree

    NEW THREAD: Thanks to @Brummiebird for the title suggestion.
  19. StephenTJackson

    The Body Coach #3 Rosie off for brunch, Indie desperate for lunch, Joe doing his 10000th crunch

    NEW THREAD: Thanks to @frustrated for the title suggestion, had to be edited slightly for length.
  20. Yel

    The Body Coach #2 Joe gets right on my wicks

    New thread, I forget who came up with it a while ago. But it did have a lot of likes :)
  21. JudgeyPants

    Joe Wicks - The Body Coach

    Is there already a thread for him? I did look but couldn’t see one.... Don’t get me wrong, I actually really really like the bloke, he’s got a great attitude to work and does seem to be trying to be a positive influence on kids, etc... But I really worry about his little girl when he does...