fuller figure fuller bust

  1. B

    Fuller figure fuller bust #12 GeorgiePorgie, leggings and lies, means hello but says goodbye!

    New thread winner @Cnut Feel free to do a recap of her latest shenanigans!
  2. B

    Fullerfigurefullerbust #11 so long farewell it's time to say goodbye-guess who's back, back again!

    I'm hoping I've done this correctly 🙏 could someone please do the recap 🥰
  3. Not_A_Troll

    Fuller Figure Fuller Bust #10 Qs but no As, leaving but she stays, monologues for days

    New thread title courtesy of @Smoke_and_Mirrors
  4. T

    Fuller Figure Fuller Bust #9 Goes to Sainsbury's to pose, can’t unblock her kids nose, hired a doula so she can doze

    Thanks to @justwoow for the thread title! Had to make some slight (sorry) grammatical and spacing changes so it would fit.
  5. Not_A_Troll

    Fuller Figure Fuller Bust #8 Grubby George spending postpartum in her stinky nest, no advice for she knows best

    New thread title thanks to @Annagalanta Grubby George spending postpartum in her stinky nest, don’t you dare give her advice for she knows best.
  6. Not_A_Troll

    Fuller Figure Fuller Bust #7 crazy situation with birthing speculation, someone book her in to rehabilitation

    New thread, title by @Flip&Flop slightly shortened to fit
  7. T

    Fuller Figure Fuller Bust #6 she’s grubby & tubby, we still feel sorry for her poor hubby

    Anyone want to do a recap? Pregnancy, cat, unappealing food... Thanks to @Flip&Flop for the thread title!
  8. D

    Fuller Figure Fuller Bust #5 Cradle the fat, nursery smells like rats, husband is a massive doormat

    New Thread in classic George style - today’s post about racism and still managing to mention her IVF.
  9. T

    Fuller Figure Fuller Bust #4 Pregnant at last, treats her husband like trash, gimme that mummy blogger IG cash

    Thanks to @GiftedNotFree for the title (had to remove the ! as it was too long otherwise), and @Romy for the prompt. Recap: She may or may not be pregnant. She hasn't said. And she's still oversharing.
  10. Chip1984

    Fuller Figure Fuller Bust #3

    New thread...could only see the title suggestion of @Annagalanta, so thanks to them! 😊 If anyone would care to do a recap, knock yourself out 🤣
  11. D

    Fuller Figure Fuller Bust #2

    (Thread name kept the same) Anyone want to have a go at summing up George's last thread?
  12. JellyWobbles

    Fuller Figure Fuller Bust

    Please tell me I am not the only one that thinks she’s a dick.