
  1. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #18 Faking a break up for the only kind of engagement she’ll get

    New thread for Em Sheldon known as Emshelx Previous thread; https://tattle.life/threads/em-sheldon-17-does-she-strive-to-be-the-worst-influencer-alive.45625/page-1 Thread title thanks to @FairyLites who came up with this winner back in July and was the second most liked post on the previous...
  2. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #17 Does she strive, to be the worst influencer alive?!

    Previous thread: https://tattle.life/threads/em-sheldon-16-pov-ada-jumper-everyday-nyc-on-replay-family-ysl-bag-buy-near-death-on-a-flight-lie.43956/page-51#post-19606204 Welcome to another thread on Em Sheldon or Emshelx recap to follow…
  3. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #16 POV Ada jumper everyday, nyc on replay, family YSL bag buy & near-death-on-a flight lie!

    Right everyone, new thread to continue tattling about Em Sheldon or Emshelx. She has various other accounts covering her home, family dog and probably something else I’ve forgotten. previous thread -...
  4. abeautifullife

    Em Sheldon #15 Stranded in Palma (not), babied by Mama. Always begging, but still no ring.

    New thread! Woohoo! Thank you to @WatchReelCopyReel !
  5. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #14 Illusions of wealth, politics or Saville, Em finds a way to make it about herself

    New thread for Em Sheldon aka Emshelx. Previous thread here: https://tattle.life/threads/em-sheldon-13-comments-for-clout-under-everyones-pic-and-wears-clothes-that-she-cant-zip.32568/page-52 Thread title relates to the time when she bragged about Liz Truss being from Leeds and seeing Jimmy...
  6. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #13 Comments for clout under everyone’s pic, and wears clothes that she can’t zip!

    New thread for Em Sheldon known as Emshelx on insta and tik tok. previous thread https://tattle.life/threads/em-sheldon-12-20-aff-links-a-day-but-engagements-dying-will-sloppy-em-ever-stop-lying.28247/page-51 Thread title thanks to @pewpewpie probably the worlds worst influencer! Has a...
  7. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #12 20+ aff links a day but engagement’s dying, will sloppy Em ever stop lying?

    Previous thread here: https://tattle.life/threads/em-sheldon-11-lies-galore-on-tik-tok-if-you-point-them-out-shel-boy-will-block.24093/page-49 Thread title thanks to @oksobasically New thread for Em Sheldon who is also known as: emshelx emshelhome emshellyshel mattaroberts mapledoodlediaries...
  8. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #11 Lies galore on tik tok, if you point them out Shel Boy will block!

    New thread for Em Sheldon who is also known as emshelx emshelhome emshellyshel mattaroberts mapledoodlediaries arlo london roemenswear and potentially others 😂 previous thread here...
  9. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #10 lies to MPs, middle aged mummy’s hate me, and called my mam’s dog ug-ly!

    Previous thread here: https://tattle.life/threads/em-sheldon-9-chicken-skin-tights-no-gifted-flights-tesla-lies-aggressive-replies.20340/page-49 welcome to thread 10 on Em Sheldon, also known as Emshelx Emtalks emshelhome mapledoodlediaries arlolondon emspresets Emshellyshel some recipe book...
  10. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #9 Chicken skin tights, no gifted flights, Tesla lies, aggressive replies!

    Thread title thanks to @Instawho? and I added a little extra 😂 previous thread here:https://tattle.life/threads/em-sheldon-8-daily-marathons-from-chiswick-to-chinatown-has-will-never-turn-a-freebie.17706/page-52 re-cap coming…..
  11. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #8 Daily marathons from Chiswick to Chinatown, has & will never turn a freebie

    New thread for Em Sheldon also known as Emshelx or Em talks. Re-cap to follow..... previous thread here: https://tattle.life/threads/em-sheldon-7-flat-reno-troubles-takouts-galore-my-bath-cant-fit-through-the-door.14707/page-49#post-4460310 thread title thanks to @Heyyou So Shel Boy and...
  12. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #7 Flat reno troubles & takouts galore, my bath can’t fit through the door!

    Last thread: https://tattle.life/threads/em-sheldon-6-crappy-reels-begging-for-meals-repetitive-swipe-ups-have-no-appeal.12161/page-51 thread title thanks to @Chan94 overview to follow!
  13. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #6 crappy reels, begging for meals, repetitive swipe ups have no appeal

    On to our sixth thread about top shiller and crap content creator Em Sheldon, known as Emshelx or Emtalks. Stealing a living through dodgy and immoral affiliate links to things she doesnt even own! previous thread here...
  14. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #5 Orange copycat, small FLAT, filler for free, reno happening? Let’s see!

    Right new thread for top shiller Em Sheldon, also known as Emshelx and Emtalks. Previous thread: https://tattle.life/threads/em-sheldon-4-stuffing-her-gob-calls-it-a-job-were-all-sick-of-this-orange-slob.8518/page-51#post-2591579 thread title thanks to @Chan94 and @Doesitcountifitsnottrue So...
  15. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #4 stuffing her gob, calls it a job, we’re all sick of this orange slob

    Previous thread: https://tattle.life/threads/em-sheldon-3-lies-on-my-blog-pretending-i-own-a-dog-swipe-up-ive-got-shit-to-flog.7137/ Thread title thanks to @BananaPenguin so we are on the FOURTH thread about this absolutely shameless woman who lies, begs and gurns her way through the week...
  16. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #3 lies on my blog, pretending i own a dog, swipe up I’ve got stuff to flog

    New thread for Em Sheldon of Em Talks and insta / YouTube: Emshelx https://tattle.life/threads/em-sheldon-2-em-shilly-shel-all-she-does-is-gym-eat-shill-repeat.4787/ We’ve observed Ems lockdown of manic working out and baking in the grubby flat that never gets cleaned. But the main scandal was...
  17. Lechat

    Em Sheldon #2 Em Shilly Shel all she does is gym, eat, shill, repeat!

    Thanks to @bubbletea123 for starting the first thread. We’ve now exceeded 1000 posts so time to move here to continue the discussion. original thread can be found here: https://tattle.life/threads/em-sheldon-emshelx.149/
  18. B

    Em Sheldon (emshelx)

    A few years back I used to really love Em's blog and would read it regularly but it has really gone downhill the past few years. She used to come across as very genuine but she seems to have lost that. I had to unfollow her on Twitter as every second tweet is an affiliate link, which is really...