ellie grey

  1. H

    Ellie Grey #24 no shop due to her leg being sore, in fact she’s turned into a bit of a bore.

    New thread title courtesy of @nosey_cow although it did need to be shortened...and I'm not one for shaming. Share your body and make money doing so should anyone wish, more power to anyone who chooses to do so (although stand in that power and don't blame an ex or anyone 'hacking you' should any...
  2. H

    Ellie Grey #23 what can we say? The grifting continues and she won’t go away..

    New thread title by @HotDiggettyDang Unfortunately I cannot even remember much of the last 1000 posts as she's becoming quite irrelevant to even her ill-guided sheep it seems, but still desperately clinging onto the nonsense that are unregulated supplements and her 'templates', most recently...
  3. H

    Ellie Grey #22 Ellie's got no friends to meet. Grift, lie, sleep, repeat.

    New thread everyone, title courtesy of @FatFelix Leave this here (@NotTheDailyFail shared last thread) as it pretty much sums it all up! Last thread started with EG being debunked yet again by an immunologist...(see Dr Bnar's video)...
  4. H

    Ellie Grey #21 It's my party and I'll lie if I want to

    Congrats to @nosey_cow on another thread title! Not sure there is much to recap as we do just seem to be on a loop of the same nonsense, only now using a new IG account as well as sharing it all on a 'business' page...a business essentially selling expensive urine in the form of white label...
  5. H

    Ellie Grey #20 tried to name and shame, ended up backfiring - more tattlers and a wiki were gained.

    New thread! Title courtesy of @nosey_cow Well the period of thread 19 was a ride given EG's attempts to doxx! READ THE WIKI! Claims were thrown about suggesting she knew many, yet appears to have only actually targeted Oik with a huge stretch to try and suggest death threats were made...try...
  6. H

    Ellie Grey #19 On holiday, with followers' money?? Lied about where & got tested. Now isn't that scummy?

    New thread. BASH ON! Actual winning title was @Northernoik2020 with 'Ellie goes on holiday, and boy will she look a cock, when she comes back with gifts galore and a stick of Blackpool rock.' but it didn't fit, wasn't sure if Cock wouldn't be allowed in a title following the swearing rule and...
  7. H

    Ellie Grey #18 She's never studied law. Meter fitting, vax & war in reality knows nothing at all

    New thread! Thread title courtesy of @Becky “Ellie” Gibson (a lot of suggestions in the post, but this was highlighted by another Tattler and liked, so I made the decision this was most liked). Altered to fit and remove swearing as original was 'She’s a liar who never studied law From meter...
  8. H

    Ellie Grey #17 So neck deep in lies even her kids are desperate for fries!

    New thread guys, title was most reacted to one and courtesy of @Ultramarine. Don't think there is huge amounts of big news in the previous thread (but I apologise if there was, crazy work times for me just now!). EG has appeared claiming to now have a garden shed from where she'll be offering...
  9. L

    Ellie Grey #16 Losing followers and her clout, her times nearly up, over and out

    Well done @Els Bells who had the most votes for the new thread title. How are we on number 16 already?! She's like a turd that won't flush. Anyone care to recap?
  10. H

    Ellie Grey #15 Follow the money, back to shill White Label Products Honey!

    Very quick summary... Ellie reappeared after being absent on social media accounts under her OWN name for a while...conveniently at the same time as she has started buying supplements from a company that provides them as 'white label' that she intends to sell. The ex's GF contacted the IG...
  11. H

    Ellie Grey #14 Ellie has finally returned, clearly no lessons have been learned

    Most liked thread name suggested by @nosey_cow Hopefully someone may be able to do a recap here if we feel it necessary. Unfortunately I was AWOL a bit last thread so slow to catch up and with the last one focusing on loads of other people I'm a bit lost. However, as predicted, someone...
  12. H

    Ellie Grey #13 Miss Grey gone underground , so we'll discuss her ilk who can be found

    I have taken it upon myself to name the thread as it didn't seem as though there were any suggestions/we knew where we were in the thread (feel free to have it changed).
  13. H

    Ellie Grey #12 Ellie Grey has gone to ground, what’s she up to she can’t be found?

    New thread title courtesy of @HotDiggettyDang with the most votes. I did consider a one liner with the most likes as I felt it summed up a lot of the last thread, but wasn't marked as a thread suggestion and was potentially too early so didn't want to be unfair/make that decision. LEAVE THE...
  14. L

    Ellie Grey # 11 Ellie lies and Ellie cheats, but Tattle is here with all the receipts

    New thread title courtesy of @712alp who had the most votes. Quick recap - Ellie is "deleting" her insta for the millionth time. She's FUCKING DONE GUYS and her family come first 😴😴 where have we heard that before?! Her telegram group has imploded. She's used a fake name to infiltrate the...
  15. H

    Ellie Grey #10 Social services gave her a call, no they didn’t, not at all.

    New thread title courtesy of @Northernoik2020 Would appreciate it if someone could give a little context/catch up for first page! Thanks.
  16. H

    Ellie Grey #9 No GLO, no hair, she's always right, and balding KieKie, her portly parasite

    New thread title from @VeritasMS which had the most likes I believe. Altered slightly just to get it to fit, and I apologise if I've not set this up right it's the first time I've tried to start a thread! Recap copied from @VeritasMS in a previous thread and added to by @Callingyouout in...
  17. L

    Ellie Grey #8 Elsybels she loses instas, while Kie Kie D just munches Ginsters

    New thread title from @LukeDuke which had the most likes. This one made me chuckle 🤣🤣 Keep 'em coming peeps!
  18. L

    Ellie Grey #7 Daily threats will she stay or go? Still no shaved head, degree or GLO

    New thread title thanks to @scandi2 who had the most votes 👍
  19. N

    Ellie Grey #6 Sunbed, shaved head, all her followers misled.

    Hope I’ve done this right! New title - thank you to Felix Fat bloke! Anyone recap?
  20. S

    Ellie Grey #5 Wake me up before you go GLO

    Thank you @712alp for the title! Anyone fancy doing a quick recap?
  21. L

    Ellie Grey #4 Has no skills or education but makes a good living from lies & lactation

    Thanks to @standupsitdown for the title which had the most votes. Someone care to do a recap?
  22. L

    Ellie Grey #3 Be nice to Ellie, don't annoy her, cos she's got herself a shifty lawyer.

    Anyone care to do a recap on the lovely Miss Grey and friends? Edit to add: thanks to @FatFelix for the thread title suggestion!
  23. L

    Ellie Grey #2 Government put her foof on show to hide the fact she did a Glo

    Thanks to @LadyCandour for the amazing thread title 😂 As you were guys......
  24. Witchtits

    Ellie Grey

    Thought I would start a thread on Ellie after coming across this comment.