
  1. Tin Can Crook

    James Anderson/ DEPHER #7 Desperate stuff from an unrepentant conman

    Thread title courtesy of Seaford Haggington, nominated by l3moning After a long stretch making ugly painting, James is back to his old ways. He's presumably operating as a sole trader under the business name Lancashire Plumbing Services and has changed his Facebook handle to Dersingham Jay to...
  2. Tin Can Crook

    Depher/CPH CIC #6 Now I know how Jesus felt

    Welcome back to the discussion of James Anderson's ridiculous antics. Thread title is courtesy of Lazarus who nominated a quote by Jimmy himself back in 2020 when facebook restricted his ability to post. You win a cuddle with the Depher bearded dragon and a stern report to OFCOM Since the last...
  3. Lazarus

    Depher/CPH CIC #5 No Weddings and One Funeral

    Here we are, trolls - new thread. @Lobster Johnson well done for coming up with the thread title. As a prize, you get to stroke Babs' lizard whilst sitting in the COVID memorial garden. Someone better than me can do a recap. it's all gone off on thread 4. In short, James Anderson got a higher...
  4. JulieScoobyDoo

    Depher /CPH CIC #4 Burnley Council have an approved list and Depher is not on it

    @gimm3more Here you go
  5. VeniVidiVicki

    Depher/CPH CIC #3 No nervous breakdown, I’m good, honest.

    Thread title straight from Jimmy’s mough, nommed by @Seaford Haggington. You win a water pipe which is for water only, not gas. in the last thread, jimmy’s unaudited accounts were publicised where he appears to have spent vast sums on administration and not done a lot of paid work. He’s bought...
  6. Jelly Bean

    Depher/CPH CIC #2 The erratic and reactive way you run this causes half your problems

    Thanks to @MavisBeacon and @gimm3more for thread title suggestion. It is a from a comment puzzling over the chaotic way James Anderson 'manages' his company. It is almost impossible to summarise the last thread. He keeps closing his SM because of 'trolls', then only concentrating on the core...
  7. BeautifulTrauma

    Depher - James Anderson

    Apologies in advance if this is the wrong place for it, I was going between a few different locations to put this. Is anyone else getting weird vibes from this guy? At first I completely believed it, that he was supporting all of these people through a crisis and at their lowest point. However...