Well done to @BetteLynch on the winning thread title. Denise Curran #6 OT, Influencer and Mum. Jack of all trades, but master of none.
Here’s a recap: dirty looking, lazy ass, unprofessional, get in the binfluencer.
Feel free to add to this!
New thread for Freenise.
She’s gone quiet on socials as past few days. Must be praying to god for this week’s lottery numbers so she can relocate to Hillsborough. #godisgood
Otherwise, it’s yellow label from M&S for the foreseeable and shops in Lie-del.
Away off yeeee goooo thur now, wee toots!
Well done to @Rosesarepink for the winning thread title. 🥇
Link to previous thread here https://tattle.life/threads/denise-curran-2-size-8-eats-like-a-sparrow-unless-its-free-then-shell-need-a-wheelbarrow.40817/page-53
Freenise is just back from a rather basic looking 16 day holiday where her...
New thread thanks to @here4thenose4321
Sorted old thread by most likes and yours is the most loved