danae mercer ricci

  1. MillionDollarBaby

    Danae Mercer Ricci #3 The angle you see vs the nanny you don’t.

    Winning thread title by me with 16 likes. Recap : The Italian decided that baby bean could no longer be used for content so Aurora was removed from Instagram. This lasted a week and then she was back. Danae closed down her private Facebook group, this lasted a day and then it was back...
  2. Catsme

    Danae Mercer Ricci #2 Filtered poses exaggerated, smile always animated, is the Italian AI generated?

    First time winning a thread title, yay!! 😜 Recap: Since giving birth, we’ve been watching with baited breath as Danae’s content slowly descends further into drivel. She’s lunching alone (but pretending she isn’t), flaunting her stretch marks (interspersed with snapshots of Italy), and talking...
  3. Sniffing Eggs

    Danae Mercer Ricci

    There doesn't seem to be a thread on Ms Mercer. She has become more and more irritating since pregnancy/birthing 🙄🙄🙄🙄