claire balding

  1. #obsssessed

    Claire Balding #9 Claire Balding is the name, scamming people is the game

    @Ryan80 well done on your title!
  2. lodgequeen

    Claire Balding #8 Gifting influencers products,Claire ? The very thing you slagged others about for years

    Thanks to @Get off my chest for the thread title, I had to adjust slightly to fit. As you were, team.
  3. #obsssessed

    Claire Balding #7 I like to moan into my phone!!

    @dddddddddddd this was your suggestion x Anyone want to recap? Not much going on except renovating her new house 🙄
  4. Ryan80

    Claire Balding #6 Even Covid couldn't put up with her

    New thread title courtesy of @Skinner
  5. Yel

    Claire Balding #5

    Please keep this about the influencer, if you want to talk about covid there's a plethora of threads in offtopic
  6. #obsssessed

    Claire Balding #4 Forced off the gram by my own mouth, pay me on patreon to hear me shout!

    @megadots for the title!!
  7. Wellthisisafirst

    Claire Balding #3 Patreon! havin a laugh. ppl paying to listen to you and Ian pissed in your gaf

    Third thread on Claire Balding (chief Covid inspector). Full thread by storminagcup. Patreon! You're having a laugh. You want people to pay to listen to you and Ian getting pissed in your gaff! (Badly shortened to fit the title length!) Recap on last thread • Claire has appointed herself...
  8. P

    Claire Balding #2 Insta rants & kitchen reno, can't stay away from the cans with lano

    Second thread on Claire Balding
  9. Kissmeimirish

    Claire Balding

    Irish Instagrammer/influencer, hairdresser in training. Previously lost all of her hair but has regained 80% back.